Better adapter for portable CD players?

Hi everyone, I need a bit of help here. I just bought the 1/8" mini plug "Y" adapter from Radio Shack that goes from a portable CD player to stereo rca plugs. I would prefer to try an adapter that allows me to use my own choice of rca interconnects. Is there such a thing, and if there is , where can I get one. I need to play an occasional CD-R, and my Sony 9000ES won't cooperate.Thanks in advance. Martin

Showing 3 responses by sedond

music-direct sells quite a bit of hardware; i'd email 'em or call 'em... perhaps some cable mfr's would also be worth contacting.

good luck, doug s.

dunno, but music-direct used to sell a decent mini-plug-to-rca's i/c, made by audioquest, i tink... i got one for my 1st cd player - a panasonic slp1a portable...
woodn't it be better to yust have one i/c between cd-player & preamp? having two i/c's yust introduces another break in the wiring, w/another set of rca's, & how good can the rat-shack interface really be? i tink i'd rather have only one medium-quality cable between my electronics than 1 mediocre cable & one hi-quality cable...

yust my opinion, doug s.