Cable info

Looking for some suggestions on RCA cables between BlueSound Node 2 and preamp. At the time I’m using Transparent Audio Super MM2. I was looking to upgrade to Transparent Audio Ultra MM2 RCA but if there is something of better quality at a better price point, I’m all ears. Any suggestions??? 

Showing 1 response by williewonka

@luvrockin The Node 2 responds very nicely to connecting it with GREAT cables - both power cables and Interconnects-

It also responds well to having cone feet installed underneath - I have mine sitting on a granite tile. I have tried both brass cones and wood cones and they both provide improvements in extremely fine details and imaging

I use cables that I made myself and the improvements in sound quality were amazing.- see these links if interested...

If you are not a DIYer then I recommend cables from KLE Innovations

Their gZero3 Interconnect is excellent and having reviewed a lot of their product line and exchanging many emails with Keith Louie Eichman about his cables and RCA connectors I have no reason to believe his power cables would be less than stellar.Also look at the more recent QFlow3 IC’s

You may notice that the connectors I use on my IC’s and Speaker cables are from KLE Innovations also.

Some may think me CRAZY to outfit the very affordable Node 2 with cables that cost more than the unit itself, but I consider my cables more important than many components, simply because I have found through extensive component auditions, that even the most modest components perform much better with good cables.

My Node 2 now sounds so good I have stopped looking for another device for digital music.

It is very spacious and so dynamic that I consider it is the most realistic reproduction I have encountered.
It presents an exceptional level of micro details that allows it to reproduce the most granular venue acoustics I have ever heard in any system

Great cables allow the Node2 to really strut it’s stuff

FYI: my system components are:
- Node 2
- NAIM 5i MKII integrated amp
- Gershman Acoustics Sonogram speakers
- The DIY Power and Interconnect cables (links above) and my DIY speaker cables

Hope That helps