CD Cutting and / or Trimming

I haven't seen any discussion concerning this (although there probably has been a thread or two). I'd like to know what your opinions are regarding CD cutting (Trimming). Is it noticibly beneficial or is it just another opportunity to spend money.
Busics2: have you tried this process on the XRCD format? If so, where there similar improvements, or were they more modest?

Here's some reading you can do:
I've had about a dozen disks cut, by a friend. The improvements range from subtle to very noticeable. Nothing negative that I can tell, so far.
I, too, would be concerned with physically altering the disc by cutting. After all, one would hate to lose $1000s on your collection by doing something irreversible. I've never compared cut vs. uncut, so I can't comment.

Let me make a plug for Walker Audio's CD enhancer. It does make a beneficial difference. It is a bit subtle, but easy and worth the price. It does the magical combination of removing the grainy sound while also adding in details. The presentation is smoother, soundstage is more coherent, background is quieter, and details are preserved.

Ghostrider, the only time something like that could occur, is if someone were to alter the factory cutter depth adjustment. When properly set, I have never had that happen. Although you are correct. If you were in fact to cut completely through the plastic substrate to the aluminum wafer, the disc in time, would begin to delaminate.
I'd be reluctant to do anything to the CD that might breach the outer layer of the CD expose the inner reflective layer to the atmosphere, thus inviting corrosion and destruction of the CD.

Has this been a problem?
Pkemery, I find it soooo interesting that this has become such a popular topic as of late. Although, you may find the topic to be somewhat controversial also. The process I have described was introduced to me about 5 years ago. I have experimented with several deviations to this described process in every way imaginable. I'm sure with further experimentation, the process could be refined even further.

But, "when it aint' broke, don't fix it".

If you refer back to the original "Wash, Cut, Polish, and Demagnitize" thread, you will notice I mention that the overall sonic results are due to a "cumulative process".
It would be very tough to convince me that "cutting" alone would bring results that could be considered extremely significant.

I have had many private emails requesting an explanation in the sonic differences before and after the process. Let me put it this way:
You will be hearing a "larger dynamic scale". You experience a more refined "physical" scale of the music. Texture, note attack, note decay, ambiance, harmonics, micro information, micro dynamics,..... basically all of the fundamentals of music, improve. These qualities, until late, have only been attainable from an analog source. IMHO.

Hence, I have always been an analog person, Although, digital is really beginning to come into it's own. (A fact that is very hard for me to admit). But, it all starts at the source. The source is not the CD player. The source is the CD!!!!

Happy listening, Ed.
you want to speak to buscis2. Ed is the specialist on this. I have heard a cd that he cut for me. Yes, it does make a significant difference. Am I willing to go through with it? No. He'll be on the 'gon, soon with his 2 (excellent) sense worth. peace, warren
As Matty stated, i have and use an Audio Desk Systeme, but not on every disc. If someone is interested, they can drop me a disc and i'll cut it for them. Just cover the shipping both ways. This works best if you have an IDENTICAL disc to compare it to.

For sake of clarity, you can't compare a disc purchased from BMG to a disc purchased at Best Buy. While the contents may check the same using a digital analysis, the discs ARE different from one another. We noticed this when trying to find identical discs to compare. The amount of "burned" space on a BMG disc was noticeably different from a non BMG disc. Whether or not there is an audible difference between BMG's and non-BMG's is a whole 'nother ball of wax that has already been discussed. Sean
You may want to search out Sean on A'gon, I know he has a trimmer and will provide you with all you will ever want to know. I am pretty sure he is a proponent of them. Inexpensive? Not so sure, I think you are talking 5 bills at least.

I would add I have used the lathe for some time. We have demoed it with a number of friends blind (for what thats worth) and in every case, the lathed disc was preserved. I don't believe you can lathe an sacd however. It is not inexpensive. If you have more questions drop me a note

Hi: There has been much discussed on this subject previously. Searching the archives will bring a wealth of information. One of the very best can be found here:
Coincidentally, I have been seeking opinions on this device as well. Since it is not new, it doesn't draw much attention or discussion. No hype, feedback is positive.

Exactly my responce when I heard the term 2 days ago - from what I've read it is trimming the perimeter on a Lathe like device that ensures "perfect" roundness with the edge tapered at 38 degrees. even sells the machine. Like I said it sounds like hype so I'm seeing if anyone else has heard of it or if they do it.