Cheapest class D amp?

I have a neighbor with a 4 ohm speaker. He is tired of bland boring sound. His budget is slim. Please tell me what class D amps you have tried, and how they sounded. Thanks.
Hi Muralman1,

The Flying Moles are optimized for 4 to 8-ohm operation, so as long as your friend's 4-ohm speaker doesn't have a broad dip down to 2 or so ohms, then they should work fine. Apparently they can be biased at the factory to work more efficiently into very low impedance loads. And you have to consider the speaker's efficiency, the room size, and how loudly they're going to be played, as well...
Tvad, if only you lived nearby. Wait a minute, you live in Hollywood. Why don't you catch a private Lear to your State's capitol. Someone did that two days ago, just to hear my Scintillas.
Tvad, I should have put a smiley on my last post to you. I hoped you didn't take offense. I like the city. I served my childhood in the basin. Why I am concentrating on class D, is that I believe there is more bang for the buck. MY friend is low on funds.