Choices narrowed Rogue RP-1 and Primaluna Prologue Premium Preamps

I'm leaning toward the Primaluna which is $500 more. Both have easy dealer return.

The PL looks to be more of a "lifetime" preamp, heavy build, tubes outside chassis. The RP-1 includes a phono section (I do not need) which leads me to believe corners may have been cut to keep price point. 

Both get great reviews....but my gut says PL. The Prologue is 97% of the higher end dialogue model from what I have been told.

My amp ( at 51K input impedance, which is meets the recommended minimum of 28k (Stereophile review).

I am eventually going to replace my amp (I purchased as a temporary replacement and later use in a bedroom system). However, the amp has such an enjoyable sound, I decided to upgrade my preamp first. I am having some noise issues with my Peachtree Nova Pre. 

Anyone else compare the two? Stereophile did and the PL sounds like what I am looking for. I know actually hearing is the ultimate test.

For made in the US, excellent after-sale service, and pleasant telephone conversations with the manufacturers (very chatty, in fact), go with Rogue.  You won't regret it.
Pre amps all sound different and it has the most affect on sound (good or bad) SO its important to get it right, I would listen to at least 3-5 of them in YOUR system before you buy. I have owned the Prima Luna Dialogue pre amp and it sounded very velvety and warm..... Pre Amps from companys like... Manley labs, DeHavilland Electric Amplifier Company, Doge Electronics Factory, and Modwright should be considered as well. Some have tubes some not, Good luck!

Matt M
I have a Rogue RP-5 preamp and love it.  The RP-5 is the big brother to the RP-1.  I did replace the crappy JJ 12au7 tubes in the RP-5 with a quad of NOS Mullard 12au7 tubes and it brought the preamp up to another level.  The preamp is dead quiet with my 93.5 db efficient speakers and the phono section is absolutely excellent..  It's a tough call on this one, I would see if you could try both out first before purchasing.
I hear great things about the Rogue’s. I dont need phono. I wish there were local dealers. There is one that carries PL, never anything in stock. 
I really like the rogue preamps, I listened to the Herra II this morning and it was sweet!
I would go with Rogue.....good stuff, made in USA.....not for nothing but Kevin Deal is the importer of Prima Luna which is Chinese.....I called Upscale four times trying to order a tube that they would only sell over the phone, and only to owners of certain one ever got back to me.....GREAT SERVICE.......
I’ve had two other people today tell me ( via email) that i cannot go wrong with the Rogue. Its the bargain of the preamp world. I may just order one from needle doctor ( who has a good return policy) and just try the thing out. 
I would go with Rogue but, of course, you should listen to both and see what is best for you.
And please let us know what you think when you do!
I'm really wanting to purchase a new Prologue Premium from Primaluna now. Unfortunately, Upscale Audio cannot sell to be due to a dealer within 100 miles. I'm going to check the place out this weekend. Nothing more disappointing that a store advertises brands but have no inventory...I hope i'm wrong. The store virtual tour shows heavy HT items and I think I could only identify 2 items (looks like amp and pre) that looks like anything like Primaluna. It may not be. There's a nice used Dialog pre that is practically new here for sale on Audiogon for a couple hundred more that what a new Prologue would cost. However, I'm still pushing it with the Prologue price wise. 
I haven't heard either pre-amp but I have heard power amps from both.  Going in 'blind' I would go for Rogue.  What I suggest you do though is try to find out a bit more of their RP-X platform.  
The Primalunas are built so nice. Im hoping the local store has one. I really wish I could swing a new Dialogue Premium. The used one ( Dialogue)  listed here on AG is tempting
So I went to the local dealer. Of course closed. The web says they would be open. Frustrating. This is why I prefer to order online. 
Looks like Primaluna is off the list. The local dealer has no stock....nothing except an integrated in the back room. Everything is special order. I did write UA to let them know so they can take that into evaluation of their dealers. 

I am just weary about the Rogue RP-1. Very light, plus the inside shot is very "empty" looking compared to the PL. The Dialog here on Audio looks tempting...just out of my budget. The Mystere CA-21 on remote (which is a must)

The search continues
I’ve seen the web page begore looks nice. Not certain if its what i am looking for, plus remote does not change inputs. I can live without power switch on remote but not Having the ability to change input is a no go for me
I'm a big fan of Rogue, running their Apollo Dark/Hera II/Ares Magnum stack. But I agree the RP-1 internals don't look terribly exciting (the RP-5 looks a lot better, though at 2x cost). Though I haven't heard the new RPs, I'm a bit miffed they discontinued the 99/Athena/Hera II (which were superb) and replaced it with 12AU7/mosfet hybrids. Not a big fan of the 12AU7 tube either. 

You could score a 99 Magnum used for a very good price. Or better yet, wait around for a killer deal to emerge on an Athena -- it's much better sounding than even the 99, and very similar in sound to the Hera. That said, I'm pretty sure the new RP series will have a lower noise floor -- that was the 1 main weakness of the otherwise stellar Hera.
Perseus is one of the few Rogue pieces I haven’t heard. But like I said, not a huge fan of the 12AU7. I rip em out and replace with Sylvania black plate 12BH7 in my Ares and Apollos, which has a huge impact on sound quality - most Rogue gear can handle the swap (draws double the heater current). Couple this with Mazda silver plate 12ax7 for those slots, and it literally takes the Rogue gear to the next level.
My problem with the Rogue RP-1 is that im not excited about it. I know i need to listen. The inside looks quite bare compsred to others. Am I really getting a Schiit Freya level amp for 2 1/2 times the cost? 
I'm currently running an RP-1 into Rogue M-180 monoblocks.  I'm also familiar with the PL sound and had a Dialogue integrated briefly, which I really enjoyed. 

I wouldn't hesitate at all about the RP-1, build-wise - in real life it looks and feels expensive, and feels plenty substantial for its size.  The remote, etc. operate well. 

Re: the Schiit, good question. I know they're super competitive in the DAC space (I own a Gungnir MB) But for tube preamps? If someone wants to loan me their Freya I'd be glad to report back. 

The pro reviews say it best, but I'll chime in that the RP-1 is notably spacious and detailed, with very resolved bass... the music is resolved in a way that I hadn't heard from several other well reviewed tube pres that ranged up to about $4k.  Granted, something like a passive LDR can easily beat it in terms of resolution, but the RP-1 (to me) is more nuanced in the midrange and more musical and involving overall. 

However, my .02 is the RP-1 is so neutral it kind of needs a system already tonally balanced to one's liking - whereas (for example) the PL would be richer, more textured/organic.  Going up the chain with the other Rogue pres (as suggested in this thread) might be worth a look too, and the resale is usually relatively easy given Rogue's reputation. 

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the feedback. Are you using stock tubes in the RP-1? I actually would not mind a more textured sound presentation
I went with Prologue Premium pre-amp and Prologue Premium mono-amps from local dealer after first try from Upscale Audio. Well worth the wait. Tube- rectified was attractive feature.
@aberyclark  I am using the stock JJ tubes in the RP-1. I did try some Psvanes and Raytheons. They did bring the mids a little forward, but out of those at least the JJ's seemed like the overall best fit for the RP-1.
Well...My new Pre-amp is on it's way. A silverface RP-5. I will receive tomorrow. I figure I might as well spring for a super nice pre. I'll report back once I get up and going
Awesome! Hope you enjoy. I'm really curious how the RP-5 and 7 compare to the prior line; wish my dealer will get a unit in, but that may be a long-shot. One advantage of this new line is that it should be quieter.
I is also a very happy RP-1 owner.  As other posters have noted it's nice to call up a company and get a enthusiastic person on the phone to talk about the product.  I can't say much about sound details but the unit was a huge improvement over my old solid state Rotel unit.

The only knock is the light weight cheesy feeling remote, but the thing has survived repeated drops on to hardwood floor and still works fine.

I also just purchased a PS Audio S300 amp.  They are just down the street from my house and going there, getting a tour of the site and meeting the owner and other friendly staff made the experience even better.  Product support means so much to me.

Let us know your out of box experience.


I am a proud owner of an RP-5.  I wasn't too thrilled with the stock JJ tubes and on Rogues recommendation, I purchased 4 NOS Mullard 12au7 tubes from Upscale for 60.00 each.  The sound is now to die for.  My only complaint is the plastic cheesy remote.  I would rather have paid a little more$$ if Rogue had offered a metal remote.  Enjoy your new toy.

Mine sounds Nuforce amp has high gain along with my 101db efficient ZU speakers, the hiss is really loud. You can hear in back of room (I talked to Rogue). I'm attaching some attenuators tomorrow hoping to tame the gain until I purchase a lower gained, small watt tube power amp