Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables

I know there have been some threads/discussion on Clear Day cables here, but I wanted to write my own opinions since I recently purchased a pair of their double shotgun cables after trying their regular shotgun cables for free.
I am so happy that I took Paul (Laudati, the owner) up on his offer to send me a pair to try for free. Until I heard these cables I had no idea what a huge difference a speaker cable can make. And the prices for his cables are really reasonable as well.
The double shotgun wires simply shine. The depth of the soundstage is amazing. The bass is so clear and defined and also deep and rich. Treble is also clear and detailed without any harshness. The mid-range retains a bit of congestion, but my cables are only a few days old and have only around 40 hours on them. Paul tells me it will take a few weeks for them to relax and open up. Based on my experiences with the standard shotguns, which were already broken in when I got them, I have no doubt this is the case.
As you can tell I am not much of a reviewer, but I hope if nothing else that I have made folks aware of this great speaker cable option. They are so awesome I want to tell everyone I know about them. I'm so glad I found them because of the countless hundreds of dollars spent on other cables that had nowhere near the impact that these have on the sound. Paul sends demo pairs out for free fully knowing that most folks will want to keep them once they have heard them. Not many companies do this. I wonder why?
Totally agree - not even a though of needing to upgrade my double shotguns - in addition, given that the JRDG M1s are a little dark it has added some life to the amps.
It's been quite some time since I dealt with Paul, but your take on his honesty is worth repeating.

A few years ago he gave me similar advice.

My present set up doesn't use conventional wiring and the speaker wires are part of the system,so no outsiders allowed.

Have experimented with some DIY interconnects using the Clear Day silver wires and some solid core copper.

Even with cheap RCA's(it was supposed to be an experiment)I am very pleased with the results.
I am thinking about improving the RCA's(Furtech most likely)but because the sound is so good now I'm wondering if they would make me any happier?

My reluctance stems from the fact that the RCA's that I used are very light, don't have much metal, the Furtech's are quite robust in comparison.

I like the clarity and speed or the sound I now have, and don't want the extra metal to slow things down.

Getting back to topic,there are other uses for the clear day speaker wires, like interconnects and as jumpers for other speakers.

I have a friend with Maggies which I would like to hear with some Clear day wire as a jumper.
Paul is an incredibly helpful guy with a genuine love for the hobby and an eagerness to help folks get great results without doing walletectomies. A honest gentleman.
Myself and friend owned Clearday cables they are good in the top end and midbass , low bass I am afraid a Kimber12tc was much better.
By far the best Silver cables I have used and now own are Darwin Audio cables ,finally getting everything right including the Bass. These cables are not cheap but far from the most expensive in my opinion. And offer a 30 money back .that was why I tried them without the money back offer
I would not have tried them their ascension plus interconnects beat any interconnect myself or friend had in the .$1k plus range.the speaker cables
Need a full x300 hr burnin ,interconnects I just left on playing for 10 days .
Since the amp doesnot need to be on put them in a DVD player on repeat and get back to them in a week. Like night and day. Prana ,nordost very good but way too expensive for similsr performance.
Paul is a fine gentleman. I have been buying speaker cables and interconnects from Paul for couple years now. From low to mid to high frequencies my double shotgun perform flawlessly. All i can say is call the guy and try to audition his cables for free. I am positive you will buy his cables without hesitation