Cremona M worth it?

This thread has been banned for I don't know why!!!
Reason for my thread is that I want to own a pair myself and I want owners of these speakers to tell us how good they are. I will be replacing Thiels 3.6 with them. I have CJ Premier 350 power. Thanks.
Thanks Hulskof for your very useful viewpoints. What you have said is also my worries, I am not sure paying so much more for the change over is justified as there are still things the Thiels can do better. I am thinking of using the money to buy an older or smaller model like the Auditors and use as a 2nd speaker would gain more than a direct replacement.
Take it from me that the M's are a lot less colored and warm than the old model was. They are still on the warm(ish) side, but nowhere near as before. It's the laidback character that I have trouble with. I just like a more up front speaker I guess.
Sonus Fabers are nice speakers which give a warm and colored sound. Most folks who like this laidback, warm, liquid and glowing sound will adore the speakers. I have owned Grand Pianos and have experience with the Cremona line and Extrema. In short, I agree with Huslkof's assessment. Although I have not listened to the Cremona M or the new Domus line of speakers, I have read that the speakers still retain the colored character of the old line of Sonus Faber speakers. I believe the only neutral speaker in the Sonus Faber line that has extremely low coloration is the Guarneri Homage.

In other words, establish what sort of sound you are looking for, whether you would like to settle for the warm, nice and laidback sound of the Sonus Fabers or a less-colored/neutral speaker with the correct tonality which will exhibit a more natural sound. No matter what amps that are used to match the speakers in "skewing" the tonality to the desired configuration, the house sound would be more or less retained with the inherent characteristics of the speaker itself.

The impressive build quality in the lute-shape form and a combination of solid and laminated maple wood used for the cabinet construction does provide a classy appearance and fashion statement to the speakers. The Cremona M may be the ticket for those seeking for a pair of nice-sounding and equally beautiful speakers with fine Italian craftmanship.
Well, I've been living and breathing with this speaker for a couple of days now, which is not very long, I know, but bear in mind that I've extensively heard this speaker in four different locations already and that first impressions with audio in my case usually stick and stand.
In my view the Cremona M is a very nice speaker, beautifully made and even so to look at. It has great detail and seperation, which according to me are it's best trades. However... I must admit it's not my kind of speaker. It's just too laid-back, too subdued, too reserved, esp. with vocals. I always feel just outside the room instead of inside the concert hall. I've once read in an interview with SF that they reduce the frequency output of the the mid range to avoid listening fatigue and this may very well be the reason for my lack of involvement. There's just always this veil between me and the music, sadly. Furthermore I think it's a bit slow and lacks a bit of dynamics.
Before the Cremona M's I've had the Living Voice IBX/R2 in my home for two weeks and this speaker outperformes the Cremona in all areas, except detail and seperation. It had better and tighter bass, better imaging, more dynamics and much much more involvement. It's more up front, it makes me feel not only inside the concert hall, but on one of the front rows! I must admit I kinda loved the Living Voice apart from their cheap appearance. If you place them next to the Cremona's and had to guess their price range just by their looks, you would say they're 5 times cheaper than the Italian beauty's... Still, it's all about the music and no way the Sonus Faber wins it in that regard.

In short, the Cremona is a nice speaker if you love laid back sound that always stays a little in the background, particularly vocals. If that's not your thing, then don't buy them. I've heard these lady's with Krell, Mystere, Audia Flight, Electrocompaniet, Perreaux, Naim, tube and solid state... The results stayed more or less the same. Hope this helps.
No, I think you mean this review by Neil Gader:

I'm having the Cremona M's over myself at the moment, after hearing them in four different locations already. I will soon let you know what my final judgement is ;-)
They had probably 200 hours on them. I am sure you will say that is not enough, and maybe it isn't, but I have not found that the fundamental character of a speaker to change that much that I felt I would be satisfied. I understand many are happy with them. That is why they make different flavors, I guess... I think maybe the review that noted the vocal glitch was the Kessler review in HiFi News, perhaps??
I am not saying they were awful. They were not to my liking.
Hi Dbarger, I have listened to them and found the vocals quite detailed and nice, but not as romantic as the old version. Could you explain what unnatural does it seems to you?
I had a pair of Cremona M's for a few months. I sold them because I did not feel they reproduced voices properly. They just did not sound natural to me. They added an electronic sounding artifact to women in particular. I was using them with ARC Ref gear, and McIntosh gear. There was a review somewhere on them the noted this voice irregularity, but the reviewer still seemed to like them. For me, innacurate vocal reproduction is a definite deal breaker. Frustrating, because they looked beautiful in my room, and I wanted to like them.
I own the M's and drive them with MC 501's and single MC 275. Fantastic results with both. The MC 275 was a BIG suprise with regards as to how it handled the M's. It sounds way more powerful than it's 75 watts. Very close to the 501's, too close. So, I guess I feel they are easy to drive, because of how they sound with the MC 275. And yes they are worth it, every penny. Very musical speakers and built to very high standards.
I have the REL Storm for movies.
There is a pair of Cremona M demo offered almost the same price as the auditors so I am tempted!
It seems they need a lot of power to bring out their bass as I have heard them with new CJ250 and not too impress.
Owner of Cremona M please tell me if you have success driving them.
This is not a direct answer to your question but it might still be of some help. I own the Cremona Auditor M's. I originally used them with a REL B-2 in my primary system. I felt that the Auditor M's, together with the REL B-2, significantly ourtperformed the Cremona M's, primarily in terms of transparency and in their ability to disappear. And that combination (Auditor M's and REL B-2) is substantially less money than the Cremona M's. I subsequently moved the Auditor M's to my second system sans the REL B-2, not because of any dissatisfaction with the Auditor M's but simply because I purchased far better speakers to go with the REL B-2 in my primary system. But I still listen A LOT to the second system, probably 40 percent of the time. The sheer musicality of the Auditor M's has a lot to do with that!