Dallas Fort-Worth Phono Stage Shootout

It will be January 3 starting btwn 12:00 and 1:00 in the afternoon.

Well have many phono pre-amps including:

Hagerman Trumpet
Art Audio Vinyl 1
ARC SP-8 (or something)
Monolithic with power supply
and several others

Just wondering if anyone would like to bring there pre?
Denton is where it will be.

Nott Spacedeck and Spacearm Metal, Dynavector DV-20XH, Modified Jolida 302B, Merlin VSM-M, Ultimate Outlet, Juice Bar, Silvercat IC's, Vandenhul Teatrack Spk Wire.

You're all welcome to come.
I may be in...I don't have a high-end phono stage to contribute, but if you'd like to throw a Rotel phono stage into the mix (with many hours on it), I'd be happy to bring it.