

Trying to identify a tube. Its only markings is E188cc in white label which ressemble Siemens.No branding, nothing else on the picture but grey pins instead of gold pins which is almost universal in this type. Supposedly used in the Navy (but which one). Anybody has a knowledge of this ? Could not identify from Tubemonger or Brent Jesse.

Showing 2 responses by tubemonger

Siemans/RCA made in W. Germany had steel pons and so did Valvo.

- Wrong. There are no Western European made E88CC or E188CC tubes with steel pins. If you have seen one, you are probably confusing it with some rebranded US or E. Euro (Tesla, Tungsram, Russian etc) or fakes with bogus labels. Only ECC88/6DJ8 tubes from Siemens, Mullard etc had steel pins.
With one exception of CV4109/E188CC flying alloy leads made by Mullard. These tubes are wire ended and do not have pins per se.