Equipment Set-up Recommendations?

Hi Folks:
I recently installed an air-bearing linear tracking tonearm (the MG-1). Table and cartridge are Teres 255 and ZYX Airy 3x-sb low output. Generally, I'm thrilled with the setup, but I find that when I walk around the room, the cartridge can jump, which is very disconcerting.

When I switch to the OL Silver arm I have, such jumping does not seem to occur, so I'm guessing the MG-1 is more sensitive. All my equipment is supported with the double rack, which may also be a variable to consider - I have my Teres on top - about 40 inches above the ground.

Anyway, I'd welcome any input or insight that migth provide me with a more stable, isolated listening environment where my cartridge won't jump (how bad is that for the cartridge anyway - should that be considered an emergency, or is it pretty common/not-a-big-deal? I've inquired about getting a Gingko platform, which may or may not help. Ideally, I'd like to keep the Teres on top of the rack, as it looks great, is highly accessible, and I don't want to take up more realestate with a seperate Teres stand, if I don't have to.

Anyway, any input and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Hi Guys:
Thanks for the extra input. All good thoughts. I'll do a little more experimenting over the weekend and see can I dial in settings, levelling and support a bit more. Also, because this is a double stand (supported on six cones), I may try supporting it on just four cones (eliminating the center ones). I called Adona and received this tip - which sounds like a good one. That should make the effective weight at each of the four supports 50% heavier on average, if my reasoning is correct.

Also, Ada, thanks for the good instructions on optimizing the setup. I believe I have the leveling jsut right, althoguh I haven't applied the methodology you suggest above, which should provide me with better accuracy.

Also, for folks who've suggested adding more mass to the stand, the stand itself weights 230lb, which is pretty beefy in my books as is ;-) The platforms of the rack are granite with some type of substane underneath - looks like some concoction of MDF and tar or something? Anyway, supposed to proved close to flat frequency response.

Anyway, will keep you posted. So many of the above commets are invaluable. Thanks guys.
for a corner mount look at this installation by fellow audiogoner BWHITE
Ever since I broke my leg, I find a wheelchair solves the problem and is cheaper.
Just updating with a photo of my setup (the subject of all the above advice - thanks again!):

You can also review my virtual system for more photos.

Hi Folks:
Just to update, I resolved the skipping issue by moving the turntable to the floor. I think the key problem is/was that the room is one floor up (there's a basement underneath). Hence, the floor is likely not as stable as a typical floor, providing vibration level most folks would not encounter for their setup - a vibration level that no stand can effectively deal with. Also, this tonearm I'm using really must be more sensitive than a typical bearing-based arm, because my OL Silver simply showed no skipping behavior whatsoever. I think the stand would perform admirably in typical circumstances, but my setup is a bit of an 'outlier' ;-) Generally, this stand works perfectly for my other equipment, and if/when I move house I'm confident that the turntable will be back on top of the stand, sounding great and with no skipping behavior.