FedEx Shipping Damage

I recently shipped a component FedEx Ground that the buyer has reported to me as having been damaged during shipment. The item was carefully packed, double-boxed, and insured. I know that FedEx is going to do anything and everything to not honor the insurance. What are my roles and obligations and what are the roles and obligations of the buyer in dealing with this situation?
FedEx ground is not FedEx Air at all. Ground is a separate company that FedEx Air purchased whole. The FedEx Ground is about as careless as UPS Ground.
Either way you take a risk shipping.
I am a frequent shipper and receiver of electronics; and have used both UPS and FedEx. As noted above, FedEx's air and ground operations are NOT one and the same.The ground operation used to be called Roadway - and their package handling SUCKS BIG TIME. A much better option is to use FedEx's three day air shipping. Much lower rates and much better handling. ALL THE THREE DAY SHIPMENTS GO THROUGH THEIR AIR OPERATION - not the ground one. As a bonus, these "three day" shipments go on a "space available" basis; and sometimes get delivered in just two days - even though you paid for three day service.
I am also starting to use DHL as an alternate shipper to FedEx. Service appears to be just as good and the rates are somewhat lower as well.
FedEx Ground is sloppy. UPS is worse !

Try to hassle until they give in to accept liability (which they should).

And, use an alternative shipper the next time...