Finish Quality of Von Schweikert VR4jr's

I have a system consisting of an EAD Ultradisc as transport, a Benchmark DAC, an ARC LS-15 preamp, Gamut D200 amp and VR4jr speakers, and find I am hearing some "grunge", for a lack of a better word, in the leading edge of vocals. There seems to be an edge to the sound, not a sweetnes , and I am seeking some ideas of what I might change to rid the system of the sound.
I realize the description is a bit week, but all comments will be appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by brrgrr

Sorry...A screwed up header. I've reposted the question with a correct one, but can't delete this .
I'm leaning towars a better front end as well, and the Eclipse is one I've thought of for some time ..even bid on a few.
I will try the tweeter settings, but I am currently using 1-2 so don't know if that is the problem, but I doubt it.
Jtinn, I've had the speakers since last fall, and while I don't know if there are 600 hours on them, I did leave them playing loudly for several days initially, and did notice a major change .
I just am bothered by what seems to be an edge to the leading part of vocals...hopefully that is clear, and it doesn't seem to be a problem with analog, although most of my listening is Cd's. I'm getting older, and getting up after a long day and a cool drink every 15 minutes is becoming more of an effort every day,
Like many audiophiles, I am in a rural area, and can't geta different CD player to sub in for a demo. My best hope is to get some sound advice from the folks on these boards, and as usual you guys have been helpful.

Thanks a bunch
Jtinn, I am curreently using a set of bi-wire cables made for Usher by , I believe, Acoustic Zen. They are under the Rapport label, and are made in the US for Usher. I also have Blue Heaven, single runs, available. I would like to try a true Bi-wire, but currently I am bypassing the jumper cable and going to the Tweeter and woofer on each speaker.
Can you suggest a cable that would be appropiate yet not break the bank?
I use Nordost Red Dawn from the pre to amp, Blue Heaven from the Dac to Pre, and Stereovox from the CD to DAC.
A partial cleaning with ProGold did help, and I might just be expecting too much ease of listening from the CD's.Many still seem to me to be hard to truely enjoy, especially the more commercial stuff.

Phil, Just got a biwire set of the Verbatim cables thet VSA is currently using, and so far I'm a fan. While they are still quite new, and my listening has been limited, I think I am hearing things with them that I didn't hear before, certainly more spatial info. The designer says give them 300 hours to fully break in, so in a couple of months, I'll be better able to know the amount of improvement they may make.