High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

I'd like to thank Tbg, Calvinj, Calloway, Charles1dad, Lak, Rlwry, Agisthos for your posts in the past 4 pages.
Mapman Mcgrogan2, other worms. You have said nothing but to kiss ass to your non informed cronies about nothing. I'm wasting time in 3 lines to tell you what unless stupid crap you've barfed onto this thread. Major fools!
Special thanks to Rick Schultz for making the best stuff ever!!!
Those who have the ability- Enjoy the Music!!!
Sammons, You mentioned thinking the HFC power products. In my experience, the may be the biggest magnetic improvement. A friend of mine we so thrilled by getting an Ultimate HF Power Cord He wanted lots more.
He told me that the U pc made a better difference than any interconnect he'd tried in over 20 years and could not fathom how a power cord could effect the sound like that.. He has now gotten U spk and UR digital and dreams of more. I agree with him. I have 2 URR pc and the upgraded UR Power Filter. Any verbal description would not tell you how miraculous the sound is. From personal experience I am quite certain that if you haven't heard it, You haven't heard all that is possible in audio.HFC- Better than all others.
I hope you get an opportunity to audition a high fidelity power cord and share your thoughts. Thanks DD
Having a great day listening to music! Thanks to HFC. I put an isolation table under my HFC WGPF (magnetic power filter) with very pleasing results. The already incredible sound got even more so. Unheard of purity and realness got even better. I have sojourners traveling from other cities to hear my system in a week so Back to listening and tweaking. ;-) D
Rlawry, Thank you so much for you post!
An excellent example of a real post.
I'm sure your enjoying the music! D
Calvinj, I've been listening to a wide variety of music lately. I agree that there is something about the sound that HFCables allows, that greatly enhances musical enjoyment. A friend and I listened to the mostly soft and delicate songs from Rickie Lee Jones "Pop pop" album, then listened to the wildly
intricate rhythmic blends and high energy world music of Mino Cinelu album "Mino Cinelu"(played loudly). The High Fidelity Stuff handles every type of music with aplomb and deftness lifting veils I did not know existed and delivering the most perfect performances I could never have imagined possible in audio. How could I not be thrilled and excited!!!
You know what I mean Calvin! Enjoy!!
Calvin, Visit if you can. It would be great to meet you finally.
I turn on (or up) my system when I get up in the morning and down just before bed. It's too good to leave off. D
Calvinj, will be good to hear new CD's (my only source at this time).
I'm sure my system is very different from yours so It really will be an education on High Fidelity cable products on other equipment. Perhaps you will even find something nice to say about the sound here. ;-) I will be getting a new set of speakers in a few weeks and a new amp in a month and I'm looking at a starter digital streamer/card reader. So this is a great time to visit before months of break in and tuning. Friend and I were talking this morning about how High Fidelity Cables make us consider changing components to get more of what the cables do. First time in all my listening years that I have been this happy about audio. D (beautiful music in the background)
I had people over the past 3 days listening to what High Fidelity non cables do for my system. 2 music lovers and one former audio Rep and audio storeowner/operator.
I alway like to ask folks how they would describe the system. All agreed that they had no appropriate words to impart an understanding of what they experienced. I have that trouble too.
The Audio guy, after listening to music he was extremely familiar with, "Tin Pan Alley" by Stevie Ray Vaughan, said it was the best he'd ever heard it by far. First time he could hear pinpoint placement with air around every instrument, effortlessly painting and amazing picture. Unheard of image solidity, dynamics, tone and effortless.
One listener called it "perfectly pure", another called it "an out of body experience, transcendent ". An audiophiles dream!!
More people listening tonight as I tune up for big weekend visits. ;-) D
Another guest last night listened to the effects of my fully High Fidelity ladened system. His description," an out of body experience", "my consciousness, emotion and spirit were transported from this room to music venues emanating from out of time and space". "Not only is the performance uncanny, I get a better understanding of the recording process and can realize more of the artists effort, intentions and emotion." It's more like "being there" than I ever could have imagined...
Sammons, on HFC power, I think if you were to try just one power cord you would understand the many positive effects of magnetic power. That should help you two make an informed choice. Glad you are enjoying your music. D
Sammons, I don't think an adapter would defeat the magnetic process.
I have used my HF power cords to a non magnetic junction box and out of that junction box with non Magnetic power cables to components with wonderful results!!
I would not recommend extra connections for signal cables, however, the power parts are less effected by such things.
I would recommend, if you can't get NZ blades... get an adaptor, clean it well and add contact enhancer like "Stabilant 22". You component inlets could be replaced with US inlets also.
Like Tbg, I'm fortunate to have the High Fidelity UR power filter with a HF URR power cord plugged into it. Beyond Breathtaking! I have a HF URR pc out of my HF power filter to non magnetic distribution.
I hope to try a 3rd URR this week. Cheers D
Sammons, sorry it's such a mess to get HF power there in NZ. From what you were saying, it is difficult but not impossible. Good luck and enjoy the music!! D
Big visit with URR power cords. Today was my turn to have audio friends in from out of town to hear and play with my system. 3 people came and brought many audio toys. Some toys were trade offs as is the case with many products but no trade offs with High Fidelity Magnetic items. Two friends brought HF URR power cords so we added a 3rd to my system.
Wow! so much more venue information, deeper, wider sound stage, more effortlessness, note sustain, cleaner more musical, more shape, air, dynamics, listening enjoyment. I already had those attributes with 2 URR's and an HF UR WGPC filter but the third was another HUGE jump. We marveled at the sound, amazing! Truly Amazing!!
Then we put a 4th URR in, Wow again as another HUGE performance upgrade was revealed as we were engulfed in the soundstage with impossibly wonderful realism. Sheer JOY!!
One HF power cord is amazing! The more you add, the more amazing it gets.
Warning do not listen if you can't buy them, Hearing them will change your life and You will never again be truly happy without them. ;-) D
Couldn't resist! I just sent money for another URR power cord. After hearing the wonder of a 3rd High Fidelity URR in my system last Saturday, I must have another!! I did not heed my own cautions about the danger of listening to another HF power cord. OH well!?! The sound, the miraculous, awe inspiring Sound... Totally pulls me out of my listening room into virtual venues
where the performances are really jamming' and all the fans are thrilled to be in attendance. ( including me). Undeniably Otherworldly!!! Something you would HAVE TO HEAR to believe.
Come on over!! ;-) D
I have no complaints with High Fidelity Products or their effects on my system. Quire the opposite, HF magnetic conduction stuff is amazing.
It's too good to resist and I want more, but this is a personal issue of mine.
I love the stuff!!!
And yes, my equipment isn't anywhere near as super fancy as Tbg's amazing setup and my system is limiting the HF cables peak performance. HF Cables lifted my system up many many levels.
Our systems are extremely different. Even if I had $200,000 to help catch up, I would go in a different direction. Tbg does have many expensive items I'd love to have but can't afford. Would not want his whole system though. WE do what we can. I do have many new components coming and already have one of the best systems I've ever heard. I wonder where will be a year from now?
The music is on and I'm enjoying it. That is what's important. D
Lak, My digital waveguide rest on a block that is on an isolation table holding the amp. all my signal and power waveguides set on some sort of isolation from the floor and most have damping and shielding also. I'm still experiment to find the most ideal situation but it sound quite wonderful now.
Tbg, Thank you for hosting this weeks Texas Audio Tour. You system is wonderful and a good time was had by all. I loved seeing all the cool gadgets and gear you have. The sound was fantastic!!!
WE both learned the same lesson about our systems, adding another HF URR power cord made an unignorable and shockingly superior improvement
that will cost us both the price of another power cord. ;-) mine is on order.
You really know how to Enjoy the Music!!!
Thanks again! next tour stop, Houston!
Calvinj, WE did have fun and learned new things at Tbg's. For me the most memorable experience was when Norm put a 5th High Fidelity URR in his system. On the DAC for his Digitally stored components. As the first notes started playing all six of us laughed out loud in awe!! You could actually here it when the mics opened even before the music started that the venue was THERE in the room. Totally totally awesome forcing Norm to morn needing to order his 5th URR. Which he ordered that day.
Same darn thing happened to me during the visit to my house. We tried a 3rd URR and it was so awesome this I simply HAD to order my 3rd URR
for my system. Dangerously Superior!! ~!~
Sounds like you are having fun with your system!!
I have been doing so many audio related tasks it seems like a full time job.
I replace the Inlet on my amp yesterday which required me to remove and replace more than half my system. Pain in the >>>! Still retuning.
I bought a cheap card reader from china that I am playing with (Hifi 360 PLA- under $190 with shipping) very limited but considering modding.
Nice to put in one SD card and play 40 albums.
Looking into getting some Star Sound Technologies amp stands.
should be getting new speakers, HF power cord and HF amp this month.
Guess who is Enjoying the Music?! D
Finally got my system retuned after replacing a part and removing a dozen bybee filters in preparation for my next High Fidelity URR PC . Last night it sounded better then it ever did before!. Two friends listen last night one said,
"There is absolutely no extra noise anywhere!, It's perfect... Flawless! The other said, "It would be like trying to describe an acid trip, This system takes you mind somewhere else!" I say," what fun it is to astonish people every day!!" Best part is that I get to be awed, every day. ;-) HF Magnetic conduction changes the game so completely that old benchmarks become meaningless and previous audio education and experience fail to enlighten!
Hope you all have a chance to visit this new world and learn the language!
Cheers D
Calvin, You Haven't been listening much!!! How do you stand it? I turn up the music right when I get out of bed and fall asleep listening at night.
It is going well, thanks for asking. I'm very excited about the High Fidelity URR Power Cord that is scheduled to arrive TODAY!!! I've optimized my system adding a few parts and taking other parts out. At this point it's the best I've heard! I auditioned a 3rd URR two weeks ago and it was a quantum shift in AMAZING! How does one describe going from the greatest sound ever imagined to incredibly superior to that??? people must hear this HF magnetic conduction to understand the new world in audio.
Hope you enjoy the weekend sessions! ;-) D
Calvin, glad your enjoying the Music! Busy weekend for me but the music is on. I listen every day but some days it is casual listening. I've been warming up my new URR HF power cord in the system for several days. And hope to critically listen soon. I can already hear improvements in the force control and dynamics of the base and an undeniably strong image.
Cheers to all D
Tbg, Yes you're right The URR's do add so much more information that It's shocking and amazing. I hear such a deep, solid soundstage with intimate
knowledge of instruments and voice alike. I can easily sense the air around performers and the venue walls like I never dreamed possible. Such an alluring sense of real!. The bass is beyond solid and crisp, beyond all previous experiences of intimacy, character and inner life... I could go on but audio's descriptive words and explatives have all been overused on undeserving products before High Fidelity Magnetic Magic. There are other subjects like Love and God and the colors of the rainbow the could never be described well enough in words that the listener would ever understand an experience of it UNLESS EXPERIENCED PERSONALLY. Do I think High Fidelity IS like God or Love........maybe a little. ;-0 D
The URR's do take time to sound their best. weeks.
Sammons, Great!! I would never want to part with my HF UR power conditioner. Dramatic improvement to every aspect of music playback.
Some immediate improvements were heard here plus much more over several weeks of operation.
Yes, it will be very nice to hear your experiences with this and the other HF power parts as you discover their accomplishments. Congrats!! D
Calvin, The music is on here also and it's beautiful! I've got so many test to run and things to try that I'm trying to come to conclusion on before my Speakers get here next week that I'm working on, or playing with the system 8 hours a day at least. Most of the time is about placement of HF power stuff at this juncture. This High Fidelity stuff is so beyond, AND you can improve it further by applying tuning techniques.
Mapman, Sorry, I don't meant be cryptic but all my stuff is custom built or so severely modified that the names would not tell you anything about how it sounds. Each of us has our own tastes in sound, and as you've read, I travel to hear the best systems I can find. Last nights listening session was the best system sound I've ever experienced anywhere. By Far. It is a whole body sole emersion into each performance.
Mapman, I can tell you that I have a small room and do "near field " listening
The small room has 37 tube traps tuned within 1/8 of an inch or less. I use hundreds of pounds of damping material and at least 8 custom isolation tables. All my cables and power are High Fidelity UR or URR where possible.
I use over 40 iso feet consisting of Cerabase, Stillpoints and Star-points currently leaning toward Star Sound Technologies points and bases.
I use a hundred other tweaks. I'm retired so I can spend 5 to 10 hours a day working on my system. I have no tubes or turntable any more. I've been heavy into "no limits audio" since 1980 ( the lunatic fringe of audiophile-dom ). I only know a small handful of people engaged in that level of audio pursuit. It would help if I have tons of money but alas! I don't.
I could tell you that high level audio folks say very nice things when they hear my system and have had 4 current audio reviewers over to listen as well as Audio store owners, Recording studio folks and music artists who all have been impressed.
I can't really tell you how it sounds in a way that would come close to the experience. I do attempt to relate my experiences but I'm no reviewer or writer (obviously ).
I will continue on the best I can. ;-) D
Report on 3rd High Fidelity URR power cord.
Now that the break in and placement of the new HF URR power cord is well on it's way, I have some impressions. First my system does all the normal audio descriptions fantastically, so yes, the bass ,mid ,treble, soundstage dynamics, intimacy, detail, naturalness etc. have been off the charts for a while now. And Sure, the 3rd URR made all of that much better. The improvements at this point move into areas most have never experienced.
The level of organic involvement is like a vivid surrealistic dream! It's like we are sitting on one side of the speaker plane and the musicians are sitting on the other side to a level that involves all of our being. Mental emotional and spiritual immersion into unbelievable performances far beyond any listening experience. I have never even dreamt of such realness and super 3D an image. Nor could I describe it fully. After listening I wonder how it this possible? During listening, minds are blown grasping for understanding a totally new experience, a reference point from which to compare, a way to relate a miracle.
From my vast experience ;-) I believe very few folk have ever heard anything even close. I know I thought I was hearing fantastic music in past years, but I was not.
Mapman, quite to opposite is true. The HF cables have the least amount of induced sonic signature than anything else. The actually make it sound like the entire system has disappeared and only music is left. Do you really think so many would be so wild about these High Fidelity products if they weren't better than all else? If so you really really have no idea who we are or what we are talking about. This is understandable with the advent of radically new technology like magnetic conduction. In my experience, although I have enjoyed each level of HF gear, hearing only the CT-1 or E or U gives us just a glimpse of what the UR and URR can do. The CT-1 was great! a real eye opener to the magnetic conduction's superiority. The Enhanced is noticeably better than the CT-1. The Ultimate is greatly improved over the Enhanced, much much better. The Ultimate Reference is a HUGE Awesome improvement over the Ultimate.
There Have been independent studies that show a marked reduction in noise level of magnetic conduction.
ME thinks some of ye are trying to use electrical conduction thinking on magnetic conduction. This is the main cause of confusion!! Magnetic conduction operates on a different set of principals. Unfortunately this means that all we have learned over the years will not serve us in understanding a completely new and different methodology. Understanding Magnetic conduction requires starting from scratch and learning something new. Welcome to a new world in audio!!!!
Fplanner2000, great post! Thanks! As is the case when hearing only a one side improved, when you do the 2nd side, the effect way more than twice as good. You are in for a real treat when both URR's get to 100 hours!!!The URR's will bring a new reality you did not know was possible.
I look forward to hearing how things go!
Congrats!!! Enjoy!!!D
Mapman, thanks for the funny posts. Nonsensical swirling mass of childish
gibberish that makes you look sillier each day. Not everyone would have the courage to look so inane just to make us laugh, roll our eyes and poke fun at. I especially like recent statements like "All opinions are relevant that are offered in good faith and in consideration of all the facts" so funny how it points out the complete opposite of what you do here. Hilarious!!
Were you the fat kid in grade school? Maybe the best self statement of yours lately is "words mean very little" So true Map but here you are bravely tilting at windmills. I can't wait until I have extra time again for irrelevance like yours. laughing-Thanks-D
Friends, Fellow enthusiasts, others... suspicion of the unknown is a typical human trait, perfectly normal. A major cause of mans inhumanity to man but,
it's who we are.
I share my experiences, thoughts and feelings on High Fidelity Cables Magnetic conduction products here because this is that thread,,, and I have never been more impressed!!!.
Truth seekers will search out the truth as I invite all of you to do.
Truth would be in the hearing of HF gear for yourself. I'm ok with those who have their reasons NOT to hear the truth. Hey man!, you are where you are.Right?
Bottom line for me is that my music is the Sweetest it's ever been and Wonderful beyond what I could have ever imagined.
Tell me how your system is sounding? Cheers Me
Calvinj, Magical! Mind altering! I'm experimenting with points and bases recommend to my by Rick and Norm. Star Sound Technologies. Some very big improvements in the overall image so far. I'm in the middle of working on optimizing the use of these parts. My friend and helper is on his way over to help me move speakers to reposition points. a major pain but There is a need to know. I'm discovering new ways to use Star Sound devices on High Fidelity products. With very good results so far but it will take months to complete.
My new speakers are breaking in at my speaker builders house. We are experimenting with ideas about a port extension to lower the port opening closer to the floor.
I'm looking for a Vibratron by Synergistic Research to put in front of my TV if anyone has one lying around?.
Working with my wire guy on some upgraded auxiliary power parts that work best with my HF stuff.
It's been too cold to go outside so I have time every day to play/work on the system. I need to wait for money to complete many projects.
I find the hard part about experimenting at this level is that is sound so wonderful it distracts from critical listening at times.
How is your system sounding? D
Rlawry, Wow!, I didn't hear about this U PC until now. It is new! I want to try one! This could be ideal for my auxiliary power cords. D
Ok, alway sounded good makes sense to me. 35 years ago I had a system that sounded very good, Modded Conrad Johnson "Premier One" with new caps and tube sockets.. VPI turntable with air bering arm and Koetsu cartridge. Next I built a system for a friend that got audio reviewers interested in the mid 80's. both were very good compared to other systems I've heard. After a lifetime of audio researching, My system has sounded better and better. Now with Custom components and the top High Fidelity Products even the radio sounds better than most systems. ;-)
In the past 2 years, mind-blowing improvements have been a regular occurrence here at Tweak Central.
Two months ago a regular listener (and audiophile) said my system was the best it's ever been. Since then I've made at least half dozen large improvements. It sounds better this week than last and I have some big improvements planned for this week and next. (and next month, and during the summer and next fall)......
Kiethtexas, HELLO!, I have some of the kegs by Mad Scientist, several iterations.
They do have magnets in them. I got a bag of his products to try but did not find them to improve my system. I can readily imagine these devices helping on some level of system. but at the highest levels (which many of you have not heard) ;-) Other devices are needed.
Thanks for saying something nice about my system.
Although we have different taste in music and audio I think you system is very nice also. I'm sure we both like our own systems better but both are
A cut above. Did more prototype work on new speakers today. Talked to Rick about new tests on HF products. Many other audio items in the works.
I have a belief that no components sound it's best without tweaking. In 35 years of testing, I've never heard any component or cable that could not be improved upon. In most cases, I have gotten a 50% improvement at least in the finer, more intimate details plus big jumps in dynamics and lifelike sound. I have 4 different treatments to discs. each improves the sound dramatically and gives me an advantage over folks not improving their discs.
At this point the involvement in the music is way way beyond listening to a fantastic audio system. It can't be explained because people cannot imagine a sound much grander then they've ever experienced.
Geoffkait, CD treatments. I've played with many CD cleaners over the years
moving on to better and better results. The best one IMHO is Essence of Music used in a 3 step cleaning procedure. Amazing inner detail.
For demagnification I've found the (now out of production) HIFI tuning damage unit with 4 times the demag capabilities of other devices. Many steps closer to real. (available from china now but 220V)
The best CD mat I find is the Marigo Audio Labs "Ultima Signature Mat"
Layers of additional information. I use a Sharpie Black paint pen to darken the edges and the center edge of the disc to reduce noise from laser light bounce inside the CD. much quieter cleaner sound.
Most of my CD's have edge cut at angles to reduce internal reflection but the newer ones have not been done yet.
With the advent of Ricks Magnetic items from High Fidelity gear I have so much more realistic and micro detailed music that test become much easier to hear. I know from experience that some of the tweaks I use will not show improvement in basic systems ( under $10K ) but have immediate and profound effects on $25K and up systems. So not for everybody.
Yes M, it is a shame that expensive systems can fall short because of not having High Fidelity products to be sure!! I do my best to let people know what they are missing but each to his own. I love music to be as real as possible, and when it is I enjoy it even more.
It's a Hobby! My direction takes a lot of time and money but gives many rewards! Instead of saying my system is way better, I might say that I have never heard a system that sounds closer to what I'm going for in my quest of audio perfection. Since perfection is an absolute and unattainable... There will always be something to improve upon. Since audio perfection is largely a matter of taste, and opinions vary, my perfection is my own opinion and others opinions are theirs. still, my toys are better than your toys. (joke) ;-) D
Himiguel, Thanks for the invite. I'd love to have Tripoint Emperor to play with. is that like a $40K grounding system?
You should have fun at Norms, he has an excellent system.
Cheers Defrost
Yes the Tripoint Emperor is sure to be amazing!! I was wrong about the guess on price it is actually $70,000. and a 6 month waiting period. Order yours today!! The Signature is $14000, Signature SE $21500 right now
(April price increase). I've heard these Tripoints do amazing things.
It's fun to look at the systems of folks who could afford the Emperor.
Million dollar systems it may be actual Emperors. The reviews I read have Glowing reports of amazement. I was told that the Tripoint systems sound better if you plug it into a High Fidelity UR magnetic power conditioner ($16,900) and even better adding Tripoints' best grounding cables ($5k to $10K each depending on length). Interesting. D - I want some!
"a fool is a man who know the price of everything and the value of nothing" Poor Richards Almanac
Tbg. I think Rick has a $70K+ speaker cable that is all magnets. Maybe Audiocrack should try one of those?
It's been a fun and interesting ride from lamp cord to High Fidelity UR Speaker cable. To go from throw away Ic's and power cords supplied with components to UR IC's and URR Power cords. Many many stops along the way from my DIY days and on into trying the latest and greatest cabling throughout the decades. High Fidelity has shown me magical things I could not have imagined. Hugely different and superior involvement in the music.
The single biggest improvement I've heard in 40 years of Audio. I love music even more than I did in 1975.
Hope your journeys have been fruitful and joyous! D
First report I hear back about the HF CT-1 power cord is that it is impressive right away and gets better overnight. Looking forward to personal testing soon. I think making a lower cost power cord is a wise way to let people try the magnetic conduction technology. Even those who have said that HF is too much to even try.
Deweyiii, Thanks for the report on the CT-1 power cord.
I'm still waiting to try them myself.
Lak, Thanks for the link to the video. I liked it.
Calvinj, How is your system these days? I've had great results with several
speaker related changes to my old speakers and am now ready to start
with my new prototype speakers. The improvements I've made ( Star Sound Sistrum Apprentice stands and a port extension ) will work on the new speakers. I will get them next week!!

I had a great visit to Norms Saturday. His system is Inspiringly Awesome sounding now!!
I was there for 7 hours where I enjoyed helping Norm and his friend Miguel compare many different items.
It was good to see that much of the stuff I have was still in the winners circle. (I.E. Full compliment of High Fidelity stuff)
Miguel is a very interesting man who, after decades of research and practice knows more about grounding
than anyone I’ve ever talked to. I was fortunate to witness grounding experiments that reviled superb improvements
in the life of the music (and all other positive audio descriptors.) I hope to implement some better grounding methods
to my system one day soon.
Cheers D
Rlawry,Systems, ears, and perceptions vary. That is why I travel to hear other great systems. Not only hearing but trying different products and ideas.
I never did take out my other HF cables to try HF URR PC. Way to much work that I have no reason to take on.
Those who have gone from CT-1 IC or SC to Ultimate have some idea of the type and amount of improvement one can realize. Not nearly the improvement from Ultimate to Ultimate Reference. The same is true in a comparison between the UR and URR power cords. The URR is wildly better at everything.
URR seemed like the greatest improvement of all HF stuff in my system.
I've added a second then a third URR and each made my system much more amazing. I heard the same improvements in Norms system when he added a fifth URR. Much more solid and real image. more intimate, musical, effortless, involving, awe inspiring, joyous!
Norm and I have extremely different systems, taste in music, and listening style but both were greatly improved with each URR.
Are systems are similar in that we both have the latest version of the HF UR WGPC (power filter), full loom of UR cables and all URR power cords.
Norm and I both have URR power cords plugged into
our HF UR WGPC then URR's out of the WGPC to components. This means we have 3 magnetic devices back to back on the power side.
Crazy? possibly. Crazy Good? Definitely!! Best ever! No going back!
Point is, what we are hearing/ describing, could be much different than other folks are experiencing.
"HF Cables - More is Better!!" ;-) D
Calvinj, Glad your liking your new speakers and happy your having fun!! I did look at them online and there is a lot of nice things said about them.
I got new speakers last week. They are prototypes and I am working on them to see how good I can make them. I've made them sound much better already. I've already removed 8 things that dulled the sound, changed 2 things that made the sound too sharp. and added 20+ things to get tighter response. I am mentally designing an improved vibration damping system to isolate the top cabinet. I have some additional shielding and damping to try.
The new speakers sound better in the Highs and have lower Bass than my last ones.
I'm also starting improving the sound of my High Fidelity cables by fitting Star Sound racks under the waveguides. More to do as I have 7 waveguides now and may have 10 soon.