How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view

It is a shame when our art degenerates into 'hobby'. To let the mind stray from the wonderous pregnancies of the composer or performer's works into mere material quest for sonic reproduction is sad indeed. Now mind you, I love the pursuit of sonic excellence same as the next audiophile, but when my mind looses the 'big picture' of the art I become reduced to a mere 'hobbyist', which for me is a sad feeling indeed. My remedy is a total shift in view: from the deaf equipment to the animate speaking beauty conveyed by the mere devices. When I recognize that I am spending my time thinking about the 'machines' I hopefully remember to LISTEN, THINK, APPRECIATE, and disappear into the magic of sound. What do you do with this inevitable problem?
Hi-fi is an expensive drug and we are all addicts forever in the clinic, trying to achieve the unobtainable, so just sit back and enjoy the music with whatever sound system you have at the time.
Tobias,I first heard this approach about 20 years ago from a physicist/inventor who performed an interesting mod to my Thorens TD-124,and from whom I bought a pair of QUAD ESL57s.
He said that if there was one thing that our brains could not synthesize during the listening experience-it was color.
The reduce in dynamic diversity owing to the shortcomings in amplifier power,acoustics,etc.could be dealt with,as other things,but a system would have to get close to reality color wise,or disbelief would not be suspended.
My experience bears out what he said.Not that I mind a system being able to approach reality in other ways,but usually ,progress is made with a set of priorities in mind.Enjoy!
unless someone was a music lover before they became an audiophile, its hard to understand there really doesn't have to be 'any' connection.
hi chashmal:

there is no wright or wrong view in audio. one should not judge another for their concern, emphasis, or lack thereof on the components they own.

what differnce does it make whether one is obsessed with gear , music or both ?

this thread is another example of an unnecessary concern with what other people are thinking or doing. it's not my concern and you might be wise to spend your energy "perfecting" your enjoyment of music rather than criticizing the behavior of others.
But dear Mrtennis, criticizing the behavior of others is exactly what you do here - quite apart from repeating your mantra and in giving (perhaps) unwanted advice - with your remarks regarding Chashmal's way of approaching our common theme.
Forgive me, but somehow I feel that there is a built in reflex in you, that whenever you meet anything which might smack of "passion" you wish to squash the argument in pointing to "rationality" and "to each his own". You have a point of course, but personally I find it a bit boring. In fact, would we all follow your message, neither you or I would have board to post on:
Audiogon is about business of course, but it is kept alive by conflicting value judgements and by passion, apart from our commonly shared curiosity how others do it and how they think about what they are doing. I don't want to be unjust, but somehow I feel, you are trying to mellow down our happy jousting and exchanging of ideas, views and idiosyncracies with a dose of puritanism, which tries to drive the fun out of it all. Quite apart from that, pray tell, how I should I deepen my "enjoyment of music" WITHOUT any regard of what others are doing in my field. In fact, I need the comments and criticism of others in order to grow and learn. I do agree with you, that criticizing the behavior of others may in our field often be a questionable approach, but on the other hand, I do need to to know what others think of what I'm doing and why, I do need to be criticized to avoid the danger of complacency, which is the death of creativity. So we have a dilemma here I feel, and to my mind it is not as clear and as simple as you seem to make out.
Please don't get me wrong. I have great respect for most of your posts, which I read always with interest. It is just what I call your "mantra", which irks me, because I feel, though your point there is basically right of course, it causes a wrong at the same time in trying to stifle arguments and chains of thoughts, which through their dialectics and dynamism could lead to new knowledge. (Just look at the history of the Sciences to understand my point)

Cheers and happy listening from one exlover of the stacked Quads to the other...