How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view

It is a shame when our art degenerates into 'hobby'. To let the mind stray from the wonderous pregnancies of the composer or performer's works into mere material quest for sonic reproduction is sad indeed. Now mind you, I love the pursuit of sonic excellence same as the next audiophile, but when my mind looses the 'big picture' of the art I become reduced to a mere 'hobbyist', which for me is a sad feeling indeed. My remedy is a total shift in view: from the deaf equipment to the animate speaking beauty conveyed by the mere devices. When I recognize that I am spending my time thinking about the 'machines' I hopefully remember to LISTEN, THINK, APPRECIATE, and disappear into the magic of sound. What do you do with this inevitable problem?
This is what “we” are. It's part of the obsession. Audiophiles represent a very small portion of the music-loving population. Think of the millions of people around the world who enjoy music (who doesn’t to some degree), indulge in it, pursue it with passion…But do they obsess about the equipment? I love the gear. I like to look at it, read about it (“lust” after it). To me, being an audiophile has a lot to do with just the equipment. I was a lover of music long before I ever became an audiophile. I am a lover of music AND I am an audiophile. Obviously there is a very strong correlation between the two.

There are those who love music. There are those who love music and love the associated equipment. There are variations in between. My wife thinks it’s odd that I “obsess” about equipment. My best explanation to her is that it is a hobby. But really, that doesn’t explain it…does it? Is it just a hobby? I don’t think so. The word “obsession” doesn’t really convey the true reality either…does it?!?!

There’s a lot at work here. Do you think visiting this site and participating in the forums is all about music and equipment? I got news for you! We’d have to revisit our sociology, psychology and human behavior studies to gain a better insight into the entire equation. Let’s just call it entertainment. I didn’t hang out here when I had more freedom. I devoted my free time to other endeavors – my still single friends would say, “back when I had a life.” Let’s see, now I have mowing the lawn, keeping up the house, taking out the trash, picking up dog poop, wiping up baby poop, paying the bills, paying for softball, paying for soccer, paying for diapers,…mowing the lawn, keeping up the house, taking out the trash……Yea, for me, going online to Agon, going downstairs to listen to music, limiting myself to that one (okay two) (okay, maybe three) glasses of medicinal, oh yea...and lusting after the gear...these are my little excursions into non-reality! Of course this theory has holes because if I was rich, had time to pursue other endeavors and didn’t have to deal with poop so often, I would still be an audiophile. Go figure.
After the gear/music conumdrum is settled one then goes on to is it the recording or the conductor or the interpretation. Then is this or that soloist doing damage or unimaginable creativity and beauty to the music, such as the difference between Richter and Giles on any given piece. Then there is the hall, the studio, any artifacts, and on and on. Is it better live in a poor venue or from a fair studio but wonderfully recorded? We perceive what we do, gear can only take us so far, and the same is true of conductors, soloists, groups, and halls.
First and foremost enjoy the music all else is nitpicking.
Hi-fi is an expensive drug and we are all addicts forever in the clinic, trying to achieve the unobtainable, so just sit back and enjoy the music with whatever sound system you have at the time.
Tobias,I first heard this approach about 20 years ago from a physicist/inventor who performed an interesting mod to my Thorens TD-124,and from whom I bought a pair of QUAD ESL57s.
He said that if there was one thing that our brains could not synthesize during the listening experience-it was color.
The reduce in dynamic diversity owing to the shortcomings in amplifier power,acoustics,etc.could be dealt with,as other things,but a system would have to get close to reality color wise,or disbelief would not be suspended.
My experience bears out what he said.Not that I mind a system being able to approach reality in other ways,but usually ,progress is made with a set of priorities in mind.Enjoy!
unless someone was a music lover before they became an audiophile, its hard to understand there really doesn't have to be 'any' connection.