How many audiophiles bi wire their speakers????

I was wondering if Audiogon member use dedicate cables or amps for the upper and lower drivers?..if so were you pleased with the results?..does different jumpers cables have different sound signatures?...
B&W specifically say that "Bi-wiring is the preferred method of connection ... The separation of the signal paths improves resolution of low-level detail and allows the user to optimise (sic) the type of cable to the frequency range of use." in the owner's manual, so I've Bi-wired my N803s. I figure B&W know what they're talking about and I've never bothered to see if any other connection options are any better.
Ditto, Dogeatpuppy. Sort of...

Whether I biwire or use single runs of speaker cable depends on the cables I'm using, the music I'm playing and the mood I'm in.

With girls, I like 'em olive, earthy and curvy.