Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?

I'm a reasonably well experienced audio nut and have tried a number of "good" integrated amps. I wonder, though, if there are integrated amps that are good enough for the "best", most revealing speakers. (Think Avalon Eidolon, Verity Parsifal, various JM Lab Utopias, and a variety of other fine speakers that do not have mammoth power requirements.)

People talk about the Levinson, the Musical Fidelity KW-500 and the lesser MF amps, the BAT integrated, The Rowland Concerto, etc. etc. etc.

I would like to hear from people who have actually tried the top tier of integrated amps and would be very interested in learning of their findings.

Don't need to be the most expensive. Could be the YBA Passion, Classe, MacIntosh 6900, Krell 400i, or any of a number of integrated amps that are supposed to sound good.

Hope to hear some good feedback.

Thanks very much.
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Have you heard the Brinkmann integrated? I know that it's hard to find, but you should give it a listen if possible. I'd rate it in a league above the Pathos, Sim I-5 le, and Ayre integrateds.
I am a past Verity Audio Parsifal owner (15K).I am no expert, but let's just say I have been spoiled and learned to develop a critical ear, being also a musician. I also admit to being an integrated amp lover. No reason not to use one anymore. I have tried quite few integrateds, here's my listing and comments, not in any particular order. There are more expensive ones of course (megabuck style) but I have stayed away from them, not feeling they were worth 3 times the price....

Electrocompaniet EC-3, very smooth, almost tube-like, great product.A great buy.

Sim Audio I-5 - nice looks but a major downer sonically, bright highs, impressive lows but un-natural. Way, way too expensive.

Magnum Dynalab MD-208 - Stereophile class A ? Give me a break here - the early units (that were class A rated) had a Sim amp in it, featuring parts that was from ,'economy line,' Celeste, not the premium-priced ''Moon.. (not that it would have changed much -mind you) What is class A on this unit anyway? The sound of the amp or the tuner quality? No way this amplification is a Class A recommendation. Maybe a C borderline B at best.

Audiomat Arpège - a stunner musically, a downer service-wise with a confidential dealer network at best (on the website, they claim that only the best dealers are good enough - this to explain why there are so few of them - yeah sure). Took ages to get any answers from the Mutine Man in his lonely office. I was let down, never again.

Musical Fidelity A300 - nice amp, powerfull, a bit thin-sounding.

Cayin A-88T - grab one before they come to realize this thing should sell for 3K, very nice performer.

Arcam A85 - The best amp I had so far if you wish to go with solid state. The Jeff Rowland may outperform it, but it's nonsense to buy one when the Arcam's this good. Incredible clarity, PRAT, and flexibility. To my ears, the A90 and A32 sound different, but not better.

Naim Nait 5. As good as everyone says - the 5 outperforms the 5i to these ears, and you can improve on it with the usual Naim extras, unlike the 5i. No flexibility however like the Arcam, but subjectively just as good and maybe better depending on your taste.

Cayin A-30 (with extended bias) nice sound if a bit congested at higher volumes, the most fun you can have tube-rolling.

Hope this helps, all very subjective of course. My sour taste could be someone else's sugar....

I can just hear people complaining that I badly reviewed their favorite amplifier, and thinking that something must be wrong with my system. Although there are always improvements possible, I am way past the laws of diminishing returns with my set-up.

Cheers !

In my case, I hit the top of the hill with the Parsifal, in Big-time diminishing-returns land. They are the absolute best I have ever heard, owned and will own in the future. However, I think that for a LOT less money, you can get truly excellent sound and (in my situation anyways) feel more reasonable listening and owning great - (meaning not the absolute best) speakers from a number of reputable companies. I have owned 4 other different speaker pairs since the Parsifals, and only recently have I been able to settle down with speakers I can live with for a good while - and they happen to be the least expensive ones too...
The Optonica SM5200 is an unassuming looking integrated amp from the late70s early 80s.These are comfortably better than 99% of pre-power combos.They use a simple STK 466 integrated amp module-no transistors,and sound closer to a really good modern valve amp than anything else.
They are better than any of the digital type amps I have heard and are only bettered by the very best valve pre-power combos.Unbelievable I know-but true!
A possible candidate is the Viva Solisti. This is an Italian single-ended design that uses an 845 tube for each channel. It is a true integrated, not one of those tube "integrated" amps that have a passive linestage (only volume control and switching, no amplification/buffer).

I have heard Viva's prior model and liked it. I only heard the Solisti under show conditions, but the distributor insists it is much better than the model older model.

I recently heard the Jeff Rowland Concerto Integrated Amp in my system and I am stunned. I am convinced that this amplifier is surely one of the best sounding piece of audio gear I've ever heard.

The build quality is phenomenal, has plenty of inputs, at 250 watts per channel, it will drive 'most anything, phono stage is as good as many of the "best" separates.

If there was ever a piece of equipment that I feel will successfully replace separate components in a high end system, this is it.
A new amp is in the free land and it is from Europe.Karan acoustics is a 180 watt integrated that has beat some huge separates in both resolution and musicality. It has huge drive with amazing bass thatcompetes with the best outhere, it has gold circuit boards and custom trannies with Sanken output devices, as well as amazing caps to boot.I am dealing with Avatar acoustics from Miami who imports these amazing amps.I am ordering a straight amp that is called the 270,it has 270 watts with a dampening factor of 6000.These amps are custom built by one man and are made to order,the cost is not cheap.I haven't bought an amplifier for 15 years and have tweaked mine to the nines.So now is the time to take the plunge!!!!Take care Dennis
Krell F.B.I.
FPB 300cx + KCT,= one hell of a unit!
Yes - Gryphon line.

Have had many of them, don´t miss separates and saved on cables for a long time.

Check the new Diablo, looks awsome!
Yes, as Cenline has stated above, the Karan KA-i180. I was reading through this post to see if anyone would mention this masterpiece of audio gear. Don't believe me? Do you trust TNT audio? TNT audio review
I was using Melos Maestro tubed preamp ($2500.00 new) and a Melos MAT180 tubed amp ($5000.00 new) and replaced them with the KA-i180. The KA-i180 is solid state. I am using it with Merlin VSM-M speakers. Merlins are very revealing and the Karan sound is just like my Esound CD-E5 cd player (another great performer) That's right the Karan has no sound of its own. Just the way audio should be. If the cd is warm then so is the sound. You can't do better!
Just as a bit of shameless promotion: I am selling what I believe is a TRUELY high end integrated: The Unison Research Unico SE modded by Underwood. It is brand new--see my ad.

Sorry if this is offensive. I really do like integrateds and think there are many good ones out there, many of which have been mentioned in this thread.
Yes.I just heard the Chapter Audio Precis and it just blew me away.It is truely,"State of the Art".
Someone wrote me this morning and suggested that the SimAudio Moon I-7 (apparently a "brand new" integrated amp) is the equal of any on the market and better than SimAudio's own comparably priced separates (the P5 & W3).

Has anyone heard this amp?
Once again,do yourself a favor and at least "intertain" the idea of the Chapter Audio Precis:
Of course integrated amps can be high end. I put a similar thread up a couple of months ago and got slapped down for suggesting they could match a top of the range pre and monoblocks. Well perhaps an integrated can't match the very best separates, that does'nt mean they are not High End. It seems manufacturers are putting more effort into integrated amps. not all, CJ for example does'nt have a current integrated.
I have gone from separetes to 2 good integrated amps. The first is the Viva Solista, mentioned by Larri, an 18 watt 845 SET . Certainly makes the best sound I have had out of my system, with drive and dynamics belying the 18 watts. If the dam thing did'nt keep blowing capacitors and it did'nt cause the streetlights to dim , with the power it draws, it would be perfect. The other is a Lavardin IT, which fully deserves its reputation.
As others have mentioned, there are so many other good products, from Jadis, the Musical Fidelity KW, Accuphase, VAC, never mind the plethora of excellent new, high value Chinese amps. I can't remember there being better choice

There have been many, many excellent integrated amps named in this forum thread. It seems to me, though, that the "best" amps are also the most expensive. (example the VAC Phi Beta).

Are these extraordinarily expensive integrated amps really "that much" better than the "for the rest of us" amps, or are they just "incrementally" better. Is, the VAC Phi Beta really three times better than a Musical Fidelity KW-500 or Rowland Concerto?

WHAT IS THE BEST INTEGRATED AMP "FOR THE MONEY" ? (If there is such a thing.)

I would love to find a top-notch integrated amplifier for under $5,000, or under $2500 or maybe even less.

Thanks for continued input.
I tried to scan most of the posts, has anyone not recommended the Cary SLI-80? It has been out for a while, and isn't the latest rage in the audio rags. It is quite nice right out of the box, but with the insertion of some vintage NOS tubes, amazing. My room is 14' x 18', speakers rated 88dB by manufacturer, and it drives my speakers to very satisfying volume levels (ultralinear and triode modes).

Of course, everyone has different ideas of what sounds good/right. After deciding to get out of megabucks hifi (with "help" from the wife"), I ended up with the Cary...after trying about 6-7 of some of the other amps mentioned above. Is the 80 going to be the cat's meow for everyone, not a chance, but it is worthy of consideration.
I think you are on the right path, realistically seeking to balance performance against price. Just look back at the posts for the moderate priced suggestions if you want to see a "for the money" Aronov Audio LS-960I which runs about $1200 used, and the company has converted from building new units to continuing as a repair facility.
There are quite a number of high value integrateds among the ones mentioned by all who posted to your thread. So, your real life budget plays the final role in which integrated makes the cut.
When you buy used there is very little risk since used prices have a way of staying relatively solid for good equipment. That's why many members have tried more than one integrated.
The best integrated amp IMHO is the ASR Emitter Excusive II Blue version or the more reasonable model ASR Emitter Exclusive I. This is the best I have heard regardless price period. Harry from the Absolute sound loves it as well.
In my country $12000 for Emitter II and $8000 for Emitter I, both exclusive versions. Europe same price if not cheaper. American distributor is making a (HUGE) profit. During the review from TAS the distribution right became exclusive and dealers could no longer buy direct from Germany. What a shame.
BTW $CDN less 16 % = USD. With the cost of flying one could fly to Germany have a great time and bring back the amps and still be cheaper than buying in the USA. Think of the Autobahn, no speed limits the Frauleins and the great time one could have in the process.
The Jadis DA 88 Signature. If this isn't high-end,then neither are my $$$ separates.take it from me, it is very high-end...........
The Rogue Audio Cronus is a true high end tube integrated for about $1800.

I have one and like it as much as my Krell KCT/400cx combo. Different but audibly pleasurable.
The Jadis D88 goes for like $9K, the Cayin A88 for like $1500.

Heck you can get the Tyler's + cayin 17 + A88 for LESS THAN the DA88.
juaudio, what say you?
Well actually i do not own the A88, as yet. But soon will. If I could sell the Jadis OR for a fair price, I'd get the A88 sooner, rather than later.
the set up will be Thor/Cayin 17/A88. this should happen oh by....july.
I'll post a note upon arrival.
I have heard the Cayin B300, the brother to the A88.
Here are some expensive yet affordable ones: Sugden A21SE,Sugden Masterclass,VAC Avatar&Avatar SE,BOW technology,Primare 301 Reference integrated,Audiomat Solfege SE& Audiomat Recital.
Oh brothers and sisters. Plinius 9200. I had many, many of them in all those years. But this is the one.
In my many years of audio, I've never heard an integrated amp that comes even close to the Jadis DA 88 Signature. It has seemingly endless power, driving Merlin TSM-MXs, which are not all that efficient, is detailed, maybe slightly euphonic, but incredible speed and dynamics, but mostly, it is as smooth as butter and refined with a musicality that to my ears is unparallelled.
I would have to say,KARAN ACOUSTICS.The KAI-180 replaced my CAT ULTIMATE MK3/ART AUDIO JOTA SINGLE ENDED combo.Fantastic sound.
I think my Audion Silver Night MkII PX25 counts as "truly high end". However, amps with that basic accolade can differ all over the map in capability, and all require sympathetic systems to bring out their star qualities. The Audion's 6 watts might not sound quite so high end on a pair of big JM Labs Utopias, but in a system with the right speakers and source, they are worth their price.
Just heard seriously (for 4days in house) the new Krell FBI, is by far the best integrated I've heard, delicacy, sweetness, power, "sunny" without glare or harshness.............. also Gryphon Diablo was in but came second, waiting ASR emiterII to end my best integrated quest.
I'd say yes. I have been auditioning high end integrated amps for some time now, and like the rest of us, have been looking for one with the perfect balance of detail & warmth.

These the most interesting I have heard thus far:

McIntosh MA2275 (tube) - A truly balanced sound - I can understand why they charge so much, as you'll have no need for separates. A great combination of tube flavor with a detailed solid state leaning. Easy to listen to for hours, and it can handle a variety of musical genres. Best all around integrated amp I have heard so far.

Simaudio I-5 (solid state) - Detailed without the ear surgery edge - used ones are an incredible value - an all-around great performer. A bit mellow on the bass/impact side, although the new I-5.3 is supposedly going to address this.

Marantz PM-11S1 (solid state) - This is a really interesting integrated amp from their Reference series, and I'm surprised it hasn't received more attention in the press. Laid back, tightly detailed, but insanely musical with the right recordings.

I have also auditioned Krell, Manley, PrimaLuna, Pathos, Arcam, Musical Fidelity and others - and have a few more to go (Unico, Ayre, etc.). All are excellent in their own right, but these three really stood out.
Bwright: I'd like to hear your feedback on the new Master Series integrated from NAD: NAD M3
I use the Cary 300SEI BLX although heavily modified. check it out by clicking on my "system".