Is this typical Service?

I contacted Classe' and inquired about having my amp-Classe'Ten, and Classe'Four serviced.I suspect a problem with the amp although at the moment its working ok.
Classe' replied it would take a minimum of 4hrs to check out each unit at a cost of $75US.
I asked about the lifetime warranty and Classe' replied they would honour it provided I had the original receipts and boxes.
Does $75US(this is a Canadian copmpany)seem excessive and what is the big deal with the original boxes.Most people throw out the boxes after 14 or so years.
Is Classe' being fair charging over $600US plus shipping just to examine the amp and pre,or am I just an out of touch miser?
Four hours to check out an amp? Open heart surgery takes less time!!! Yes, they are meticulously taking your money!
Dave- I am glad to see that this all worked out for you and eventually echoed my experience having the voltage converted to 120v when I bought a DAC-1. Great sounding unit and they did the work quickly and economically (course that was before they were bought). I do know that my local high end tech charges $150 minimum (2 hours) for bench work.
Beheme is quite right, Classe' is now an international company.Still they showed amazing concern that we work out our issues. I do have to wonder how on earth Classe' ever got the nerve to offer a life time warranty way back then. I'm glad they did though.
Regarding service time,Classe' stated their technicians are very meticulous and it would take a minimum of 4hrs.per unit.
I also inquired about having some gain added to the m/c section they said it could be done at a cost that probably wouldn't exceed $100US.
$75 and hour charge is reasonable - and pretty consistent with what I've experienced with other companies. In my experience, the minimum service charge is 1 hour which I think it fair. 4 hours minimum to check them out seems really high - especially if nothing is wrong. Did I misunderstand you? In other words, they told you that it will cost at least $300 each, $600 total to check them out. Something is wrong there.

I just sent one of my M200's back to B&K to check out an intermittent fault - it cost me $96 including labor (1 hour which is the minimum), parts - one part bad (a switch) and few other minor parts they replaced to bring them back up to Spec, packaging in a brand new factory box, and shipping cost back to me.
Daveherm69: Since their purchase by B&W about 4-5 yrs ago, Classe is no longer a "CDN company" as you say...for true CDN stuff, check Anthem, Linar, Bryston....Classe is now a big international company and their warranty policy may not be as easy-going as it used to be. On the other hand, you can tell by their new products that the cash influx from B&W made them move up the ladder. Quality ladder I don't know but the look and price sure have moved up!
You mentioned the hum coming from the amp and not the speakers, you may want to pop the top and tighten the nut and bolt holding the power supply as I own two of there 25 amps and I noticed one of them having a slight hum. I gave the nut and bolt holding the power supply a slight tightning and no more hum. One other thing is excesive DC on the line as this causes hum in the transformers. Maybe worth checking into before you send it off. If you go to they have great info on hum and what causes it.
Mapleleafs3-the amp has what I think is a loud hum.Noticeable standing a few feet away,it doesn't come through the speakers. Usually with amps of this vintage its a power capacitor that causes it.A sign of age. While the amp is working I'm afraid that (a)the problem will worsen and (b)when it fails out right it may cause severe damage not only to the amp itself but to the speakers also.
Now for the good news -Classe will provide a proper box and honour the warranty provided the proper receipts and arrangements have been made with their service center.
This applies to everyone not just my self.
I want to very clear on thus topic. I was not trying to weasel out a freebie.I have a legit worry that there is something wrong with the amp. I felt Classe's orignal position to be somewhat harsh, fortunatly the powers that be changed their policy.
Classe' deserves a pat on the back for their change of heart.I'm going to stick with them.I bought the Classe' Ten amp because at that time (1993) and for that amount of money IMHO it was superior sounding to anything near its price. I didn't regret buying it then and I don't regret hanging on to it now.
That said,I stand by my advice SAVE THE BOXES.I would have saved my self a couple headaches had I known.And consider Classe' for your next audio purchase.They care.
IMO $75 per hour is a reasonable charge. Having a minimum fee from a business standpoint is also to be expected.
Better not send something to my company for repair. We get $105 per hour. And if I have to travel to you, ha! better get your checkbook out. It's $105 per hour from when I leave until I get back, plus expenses and parts.
I contacted Classe' and offered to purchase the appropriate boxes. They replied they could not do this because of the age of the equipment (1993). Also because of my not having the original boxes (I bought the amp and pre as full warranty demo products and NEVER had the boxes) they will not honour the warranty.
It is odd that I am aware of at least two other people who have had classe' service their older equipment and had them returned in NEW boxes.
Lastly I wasn't too clear on their service charges and policies.You must first go through their financial center located in Boston (i'm in Canada and I thought I'd be dealing with a Canadian company, anytime stuff has to cross the border its usually a head-ache), then it costs $75US per hour for a diagnostic check-this takes a minimum of 4hrs.Parts labour shipping all extra.
It seems expensive to me.
I've learned a hard lesson.
i totally agree with Elizabeth, if its not broken, don't try to fix it, you'll end up with alot of regret.
Can you tell me why they should do this for free?
If its a warranty issue I am sure they will not charge.
Check with Classe. Conrad Johnson will ship new boxes with the proper foam inserts (for a nominal charge) for you to send gear back to them.

Poor packing is UPS's most common defense for not paying an insurance claim.
The original boxes are a MUST if you expect UPS or any company to fork out damages.
The original boxes may be availble from the company for a fee.
The cost of looking at equipment is expensive.
If you send it...
They get them damaged.
FEDEX takes six months to cough up the money.
Then the company fixes them and charges you $1,300. for minor repairs.
They send them back to you.
The boxes arrive totally smashed.
You cannot collect from the shipper and after two years of frustration, you sell the gear, broken for $25.
Do not fix stuff that is not broken.
They likely want the boxes to be sure they will be properly protected when shipped. They've probably have had gear arrive broken from shipment, and they end up spending time and money fixing the gear from shipping damage, not even counting the warranty repair in the first case. They may not know if some damage was from a problem with gear or from shipping.

If an owner packs it poorly, why should Classe pay for the damage?

If the $75 is refundable if they find something wrong that is covered under warranty, I suppose the charge is standard practice. Most independent repair shops want a deposit.