KCI Pure Gold and the benefits

Hi Guys just wanted to share my new love for the majic of pure gold interconnects. Ive been through the paces of tring different mid to high grade interconnects in my system and finally tried pure gold. Now the price does vary significantly from pure gold cable to pure gold cable, I picked up the KCI and have really loved what gold did for my modest system compared to pure silver, flat ribbon and tons of different copper. I have read the white papers about silver being a better conductor and even some on why gold is more pleasing to the ear. I feel that gold is more coherent top to bottom than silver but noticed many of my audio friends are using silver still. What is the general feeling and use here amongst guys with the high end of equipment? Are you using gold and does it get even better with higher end equipment?
Don, thanks for the email about your system and everything. I checked it out and it does seem very nice. I cannot figure why you would have the results that you have had with the Silkworm cable. Mine has been great since day one. I guess that proves what Art posted earlier about everybodys system being different and all. But, concerning build quality, these cables are well beyond flimsy diy. I can assure you that John does take great care and pride in his craftsmanship in building the Silkworms and as well as the other KCI cables. The design may be simple, but it works and as far as I am concerned, it is a keeper for me.

Happy listening and best of luck on your cable search.
Hmm just checking back on my previous thread, I think its fine that someone doesn't prefer them but I just cant get them to sound bad in the many systems I have tried them in. Also having a very early pair and a few much newer pair the newer ones are near production quality compared to the very early pair. I cant tell any difference in sound and John assures me all the materials are the same except for some additional strain relief tweeks and fancier emblems.
Also Bigkidz thats probably the best description I have seen of the sound and agree with you.
I think it's interesting that while system synergy is talked about so often on these forums, people continue to be surprised when a well reviewed cable doesn't sound great in their system! I've been using a pair of Silkworms in my system for a about a month now, so I think I can say a few things about the cable.

First of all, the build quality is NOT flimsy! Yes the cables are thin, but that is how they are designed. They are unshielded and made to be flexible. Because of this, you can fit a shorter length behind your gear and that saves you $$$.

In terms of sound quality, the Silkworms sound great to me. I think they have perfect midrange tonality, superb and articulate bass, extended highs, and they project a nice wide soundstage. Are they perfect in my system? Well, no. But much of that comes down to system synergy.

Since I've had the Silkworms, I spent time comparing different power cables on my amplifier. The cables I was auditioning were DCCA Reference Masters and Fusion Audio Predators. The DCCA cables were very warm and musical, with a rich midrange. The Fusion cables were super fast and accurate, but with a more precise and less romaticized midrange. I found the Silkworms to be a great match with the DCCA cables, but they only sounded good, not great, with the Fusions. Now you should know that I have an all solid state system, so I need a bit of warmth from my cables. Although the Silkworms are gold cables, I've found that they don't warm up the sound like other gold cables I've used. But that's not a bad thing! That's just how they are. I think that's why they sounded great with the warmer DCCA Reference Masters, but a bit dry with the leaner Fusion Predators.

In any case, even though I've decided to use the Fusion Predators and other interconnects in my system, I can wholeheartedly recommend that people try the Silkworms for themselves, with their gear, their music, and their tastes. They are an incredible value and they do so many things just right, it would be foolish not to see if they work for you. Plus John Prator offers some of the best customer service the business and a 30 day guarantee, so there's really nothing to lose.

BTW, John did tell me that using copper Eichmann bullets on the Silkworms can give them a richer sound. Increasing the gauge of the gold conductor will likely also do this. And I'm sure John would accomodate requests for cable customization!

Hi, these KCI cables seem to be quite a good buy, but has anyone compared the standard gauge Silkworms with a thicker gauge one and state what notable differences there are please? Also, has anyone compared the silkworms with the folowing brands:- Nordost Valkyrja, Stealth Indra and Purist Audio Venustas. I currently use the Venustas, which are pleasant to listen to, but lack the cutting edge that the Nordosts have. The Nordosts on the other hand can create an incredible three dimensional sound, especially with vocals, but are so revealing that they can become fatiguing after a while. I've not heard the Indra's and can't afford them new, or even used for that matter, but as I have a varidigit digital cable (purchased used), I would be interested to know how they compare. Many thanks, Muz. PS I am in the UK and am aware of KCI's 30 day trial, but I don't want to go into this blindly.
Electro, I can not say it any better than you did. BTW, I have an all tube system and find the Silkworms complimenting the speed and accuracy of the Fusion cables which, as far as I know are also diy cables constucted with excellent craftsmanship. Both these cables have excellent synergy at a reasonable price compared to others. But, YMMV.

Lt, I was using a PAD Museaus xlr previously, which is a great cable for the dollar before I went with the KCI 22 with the Furutechs. The difference was not subtle. Everything gets revealed on the disk, especially the slightest percussion instruments. Give John a call or an email for more info. If you are using xlrs, get the Furutechs Rhodium from VHaudio, they will provide a nice "Deathgrip" to your cdp.
I have listened to the silkworms with the larger gauge gold but I did not think the subtle difference was worth the expense. I dont think John does either but he is willing to make them for guys that have to have the best. I think thats why there is so much praise for KCI because you really do get a ton for your money and if its not a big difference then they dont shame you or bait you to "upgrade" to feel like you have the lesser cable. He simply offers it as custom for customers that have those needs.
Also to the guy from the UK, I know a person that sold off his 2 Valhalla RCAs and bought all silkworms. I asked him if he liked them better or it just made financial sense he said a little of both and that if he was purchasing SOTA yearly to keep on the bleeding edge he might use the Nordost but he prefers KCI for the enjoyment on his very nice (and what I consider SOTA) system. He said he prefers the tone and musicallity instead of the absolute clinical. I respect that.
It's nice to be able to customize ot "tune" the base Silkworms a bit, in my case John made me a pair with some connectors I wanted on them. Not many companies offer that kind of customer flexibility without the expense of upgrading to more expensive lines, but KCI is great in that regard. DCCA is another company that is very flexible to some customization based on your sonic or physical preferences.
A few comments on the pure silver Firefly interconnects w/Eichmann silver bullet RCA connectors...


These are remarkable cables and not just for the value - the Firefly is a true Class-A design. It offers exceptional transparency, resolution, pinpoint imaging and transient speed. There is absolutely no "silver harshness" but simply a smooth and pure sound with all of the best qualities of a silver design. They accurately resolve the signal without adding any coloration while remaining extremely musical and enjoyable.

One caveat: these cables require a LONG break-in period. I'm currently at 300 hrs and sound continues to change albeit with less and less degree of change. I estimate we are at 90% of final sound.

We believe so highly in the KCI designs we are now implementing KCI as the OEM source for the Manger 109-AG Silver Edition loudspeaker we distribute in US.

As a distributor of ultra high performance products (Delta Sigma 3Mhz amps/linestages, Manger "AG" loudspeakers and BOW digital), we require accurate cables to properly access their very special sonic qualities yet desire to hear the musicality of these designs. The Firefly interconnects are extraordinary in meeting this challenge.

Last but certainly not least, I must say John has been VERY supportive in this process and buyers will be getting a world class product with equally matching product support.

HIGHLY recommended!

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio
Hi Jim,

Thank you for the kind words, I'm honored that TMH Audio choose us as your source for OEM wire for your excellent speakers. Now, if I can just talk you out of a pair of those babies and one of those spectacular amps I'd be in audio heaven!! Seriously though, I have to admit the pleasure was all mine in dealing with you & TMH Audio. I look forward to seeing what the future brings for both TMH Audio and KCI.

John Prator
Just to add a note: Jim (TMHAudio) recommended the KCI cables to me about two months ago. I bought a one meter balanced Silkworm. It easily replaced the Stealth Indra and Acapella High LaMusika in my system. I can't believe the increased resolution and much more true voicings of the instruments, as well as having the widest and deepest soundstage I've experienced. Thank you so much for recommending them to me, Jim! Thank you for making them John!
Great to hear this went the direction it did Jim, congrats and best to both TMH and KCI....

John, what else new is on the horizon for KCI in 2008?
Hi Art & Shadowshaman,

Glad you asked as we are just about done and ready to release two power cords as well as speaker cables(wayyy over due!). The two power cords are fine sounding cables with one being designed for source components and the other being designed for amplifiers. Keep your eyes peeled for them to make their debut!!

We also have a great little interconnect using Silkworm technology but with pure copper instead of gold and this baby sounds excellent! Very very nice open sound and as is our "house sound" smoooooth! Coming VERY soon!

Best to all,
We also have a great little interconnect using Silkworm technology but with pure copper instead of gold and this baby sounds excellent!
Johngp (Answers)
As I am in the market for balanced ICs, I look forward to checking out the new copper versions.
Hi Tvad,

I've got you on my list and have a great little recipe for you to try too! I'll keep you posted...

Hi Art,
So how are those prototype speaker cables sounding? Hope you are enjoying them, they will be our entry level speaker cable but they perform well above their cost IMHO.

There's a nice review of John's Silkworm, Mandarina, and Firefly IC's in the May issue at affordableaudio.com
Arthur, the link goes to retro equip site - is there another link?

The Firefly IC's I've been using continue to impress - amazing performance regardless of price and HIGHLY recommeded!

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio
It is .org, if you click on "May Issue", I believe the review starts on page 15 or 16. Nice review, he sure has a way with words, wish I could write like that! The reviewer called me several times about the Fireflies, he really liked them alot. Seems like a super nice guy and I enjoy reading his reviews. I wish I would have sent power cords and speaker cables too...darn it.
Just as a teaser, John's protoype SC's are eerily similar sonically to Acoustic Zen Hologram's at what I suspect will be a much better price point.

Definitely a product release to watch for!
The coppers are real sleepers but getting my vendor to pull the wire has been frustrating.....should be soon.

The real sleeper in my rig is the digital cable John made for me.

It sounds so smooth and highly musical, that I'm finished looking for a better cable.

Anyone looking to confirm this should email or call John for further imfo.
I too got the Digital DAC cable and it replaced the Green Hornet. Always stoked about the KCI cables. John has been talking about Speaker and PCs for a while- anybody have anything to report?
I apologize for my absence, after pulling a real dumb stunt a few weeks ago I injured myself(broke a couple of ribs and ruptured my spleen!) and have been taking it easy trying to get this old body to heal. I'm feeling better now so you'll see more activity from me.

The speaker cables and power cords are ready to release, (I've actually sold a few here and there) it's just a matter of me getting off of my lazy behind and taking pics, writing up the ads etc. Again, I apologize for my absence and the delay. If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

If all goes well I will take delivery of my special edition Silkworm's this Friday. I'm making the jump from 26 gauge to 22 gauge cable and all of the design improvements John has made to date...I'm pretty excited and will report back as soon as I have them burned in a bit...
I will do a full review soon but what I can say is the Silkworm IC's with Furutech XLR's are the most natural sounding IC's that I have EVER heard. I'm now using a Kci Source Power Cord on my CD player. More to come. John is one of the best I have ever dealt with. A great, great person.
Arthur and Psjulian, I been using an Silkworm at 22awg with the Furutech rhodium xlrs for about a year now. The 22awg is costly but for a one cable system that was the way to go. As for the Furutechs, they are a death grip on the cdp and amp. They just grip and stay locked once connected without any sag at all.

Best of luck and enjoy your new cables.
Art, I did not have the 26awg Silkworm. When I talked to John last year and informed him of my one ic system, getting the 22awg was the way to go with the Furutechs xlrs on the ends.
Well, to be brief...the 22awg are keepers, just more of everything and not a subtle difference at all, it's very pronounced....what a nice step up! If you love the 26awg Silkworm's, start saving up, it's definitely worth it!
Highly recommended Psjulian, save up!

I'm going to give John's new SC's and PC a try in the near future, interested to hear what he's done there....
I have 2 of his power cords. One, the sorce, just for my CD player and one, can't remember the name-I'm at work, made for power amps, for my integrated. Very well made and even though I have just a few hours on them they're great. They replaced PS Audio and Zu.
I was the guy responsible for the suggestion of an increase in wire size back in April 07 when John first came here.

Eldulcesol was the second person to get a larger wire size per my recommendation.

In the early stages of John's production I kept it under the rug so as not to confuse people too much, or scare them away with the higher cost for larger awg Gold, until more people got a handle on how they sounded.

Like I told John, as Arthursmuck stated "more of everything"

I'm running 24awg in two pairs of Silkworm interconnects and a 24awg Gold/Silver digital cable, and they sound absolutely musical like real instruments and vocals.
I invented the internet, but kept it under wraps so Al Gore could get credit.... :-)
If you invented the internet, you wouldn't remark about cable credit.

Wasn't trying to steal your thunder, enjoy your cables.
Just kidding around....

I wasn't actually going for any thunder, so there's none to steal...I was just sharing that I was trying a different version of the Silkworm's and Elducesol chimed in with his experience at heavier gauge, which mine and yours confirms...

Let's keep John's thread free of this, my bad I shouldn't have been such a smart aleck...
Arthur, now you got me wondering what the hell 22 gauge would sound like, this gets crazy.

There has to be a point of diminishing returns ?
John told me he thinks 22awg is the point of diminishing return based on his work/experiments with different gauges...maybe he'll chime in here and comment...not sure on how much you gain between 24 and 22, but 26 to 22 was a pretty nice step up for me...
You're right, now that I recall he did mention that at one point earlier on.

Maybe I'll stay put like a good little doggy and be happy.

My inner thoughts tell me to check it out anyway !

Hey now, I think we all know that I invented the internet and that I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN! Seriously though, He's just yanking your chain Rx8, he is actually a super nice guy but quite the smart aleck as well and he'll freely admit that!

ArtS is correct; from our testing we found that our good friend "the point of diminishing returns" shows up right around 20-22 a.w.g. or so. We have tried the different gauges(within reason) and found that it just doesn't get much better than 22 gauge but, if you have a seriously deep wallet, a mega buck system and a slight case of mental illness(in a good way of course) then maybe, maybe 20 a.w.g. But the cost just gets astronomical after that, or at least it does IMHO. I guess we all have our limits.

I do have to admit that rather than just offering an improvement in one area or another upgrading to the larger gauge improves the sound from bottom to top; more meat, more depth, more air etc. Like you all have discovered and said; "it's like Silkworms on steroids and is just more of everything". Now Rx8man my friend, whether going from 24 to 22 will be an improvement you consider worth the price of admission I cannot say. There will be an improvement you would be able to hear but, is it worth the cost in your case? That's hard to say and most likely only you can answer that one. Though I haven't personally had the priveledge of giving your system a listen I've heard that it is quite nice and you seem to be happy with it so, if I was you I'd stay right where I'm at, at least for now anyways.... :)

And just to clarify, I/KCI have actually been around since 1999 just not much of a presence(and I'm still not!! lol.).

Best to all,
Hi everyone, just recieved my Silkworm SE XLR 22ga.cables with furutech rhodium connecters.

These are John's updated edition (first ones) using larger diameter teflon tubing to give the thicker wire more air space.

First off, these cables are made very well and are serialized, no DIY look here. Nice touch, John!

Once they break in, I will be comparing them to Crystal Cable Connects, which I use with Gabriel Gold Raptures.
Hopefully, there will have good synergy with the Gabriel's.

I'm listening the them as I'm writing, quick assessment one word smooth. Really nice tone the leading edge is a little rounded should get better after some hours. The trailing edge fades very naturally with alot of air.

These cables let you relax and enjoy the music.
Once I get a couple hundred hours on them I will report back.
Bye the way the Crystal Cables sounded broken at first listen, so I think these will sing great, because the sound is already very good.

John is a really good guy with excellent customer

Thanks, John
Should be receiving my Silkworm SE RCAs today. Will make for a nice weekend of listening.

John, may you and yours - all in harms way - remain safe riding out the approaching storm.