Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Dorian instead of the Lyra Delos because a sales rep at the company I called said there was really no difference in sound quality so the Dorian would save me some money. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with these cartridges could let me know if the Delos is the better cartridge. My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 and the tonearm is a Audioquest PT-6. Thanks,Montgomery

Showing 5 responses by theo

I had a Delos and upgraded to the Kleos. The Delos is a great cartridge for the money, and could easily sell for 500 more and get away with it. It is a newer design than the Dorian. I traded a LydianB , I have never heard the Dorian but I am sure it is good too. I love the Lyra sound, but if you are willing to spend the extra, why not get the latest, newest design? You never said what he is charging you for the Dorian. If it is a great deal, you can get it now and Lyra has a good trade up program. I got 700 for my Lydian that sold for 1000 new and I had paid 900. So that could let you try both over a period of time.
Just my opinion, not to offend anyone else, only answering your original question.
Mr.Carr if you are still tuned in to this thread. EXCELLENT JOB on both Cartridges!! I really liked the Delos but it was such a good deal to get the Kleos and WOW!
As mentioned I always wanted a Skala but really feel I made the right decision. And thanks for the insight to the demise of the Dorian, we do live in a tough economic climate. I see it in my industry where steel, fuel and other costs make one look at every penny to determine if profit can be achieved. I think both of your cartridges could sell for more than they do and get away with it. But some seem to believe that PROFIT is a dirty word. I guess they have no bills to pay and no concept of the cost of production, research, developement and marketing. And they feel their time is worth nothing. We all are entitled to our opinions and in my opinion Lyra does a great job at a reasonable market comparable price level.
But if you could answer one question for me: What does Lyra do with the trade ins? My LydianB was in great shape and it would make someone a good used cartridge and I am sure you get many that are.
I didn't mention the Titan, but Mr Carr if you read this can you please reduce the price of the Titan it way over priced by comparison to the performance of the Delos and Kleos. My conscience is clear. But actually I believe Fremer made similar comments concerning the value of the two new carts.
Keep doing what you are doing Mr. Carr! It works fine for me. The comments that they could sell for more is a compliment to the abundant value(speaking for myself)found in the Lyra products.

But if you could answer my question about the trade ins?
I believe if these were recertified by Lyra as good carts and sold as used, (say here on AudioGon)it would create an opportunity to expand your market to buyers otherwise financially unable to discover that Lyra sound, and maybe buy new Carts sometime in the future.

Thank You
Mr. Carr thank you for you response to my question. Although it sad that many good cartridges are traded in and they are discarded before their usefull life is realized. I understand now, and it seems every industry has a "financial vs. production capacity bottleneck". And Lyra's future is best focused on the future. And again, I am sure that not only I, but we all appreciate the time you have spent here on this forum. I personnaly feel much better knowing that I have been doing business with a very consumer satisfaction driven company. If it were possible a full round of applause is due, a pleasure indeed.