new Magico speakers the Q5

seen on their Website

Showing 9 responses by roypan


You can rock the boat anyway you like, and use the words “inefficiencies” as many time as possible in one sentence but I wish you would give those of us who did buy the product some credit. Obviously, the competition to Magico products is quite fierce. I am sure, they would have fail miserably if it was built in such a wasteful way your post is implying, or sound as bad as other here are suggesting. And, yes, apparently there is a hierarchy of loudspeakers that towers above us into the sky, you obviously would not be commenting on the Magico’s, if that was not the case.
Rtn1 -

"Sorry, it just doesn't add up."

Please explain why it does not add up? What information do you have about the cost of these speakers. I mean hard numbers not just silly notions you may "feel". Please share your knowledge with us.
"nor does it mean that others cannot do similarly well for lower cost."

Indeed, but I have not seen or heard one. Since you have, and I am sure I will be in total disagreement with you, the only thigh that is left to argue about is "objectivity". You know like, built quality, measurements etc...
I wonder what marketing are you talking about? Any supported data you like to share? All I have seen so far from Magico, and I have been a big fan for many years now, is a monthly single ad page in TAS. It dwarfs in comparison it to the massive multiple pages ad campaigns of companies like Wilson or YG. Yet, all over the world Magico is being recognize as one of the best, if not the best, loudspeakers brand around. It surpasses YG dealer and distributor dealers network by 10 folds. Are you suggesting that the majority of audiophiles community, all over the world, are all wrong?

Very good question. I believe that Magico is challenging the typical audiophile “modus operandi”. Some people find it threatening since it puts their “reasoning” for buying products that they desire. Take for example Rtn1, which seamlessly criticizing Magico “value” while owning, what is “objectively” truly a very poor value, the Avalon Isis. Just because it is big, it does not mean it is worthy. I am truly amazed at the levels of “reality banding” that is going on, just to protect some vulnerable ego.

I think that you are giving Wolf and company to much "marketing" clout. Magico is/was a boot strapping company. Do you really think that Wolf was sitting in his shop thinking it will be a good idea to charge $30K for two way? The products Wolf built was sought-after, not the other way around. You completely miss the value proposition of a Magico speakers. I have tried , in many prior posts, to point out that a 300LBS + machined aluminum plates, do cost more than 1000LBS of MDF (Or Material X or M or whatever). Same for the woofers XO parts and even stacks birch ply. But why confuse people with facts?

I was under the impression that you are talking about real "value". Not the one between your ears. You can like whatever you wish. I would not waste my/your time debating your preferences. This thread, was about the new Q5 and its "real" value proposition.
Sure, and Area 51 is landing aliens daily. When you say “they” who are you referring to? A guy in his garage building speakers? Hundreds if not thousands have done the same. So just because "they" said their monitor is the most expansive one they have risen to the top? BTW, It is complete BS since I have never heard "them" saying that, not to mention, that it is not true.

Now we are getting somewhere. Reading your reply, I can't help buy noticing a deep personal resentment to "Mr. Wolf" AKA Magico. I assume you do not know him personally, so I wonder, what has he done to upset you so deeply? Perhaps pointing out to "real" issues loudspeaker, like the one you own, may have? Some that will question your judgment? You obviously did not like that. So what are the chances you would like a product he makes? Does sound has anything to do with it? I doubt it.
" let us not talk about big egos and thin skins".
Did you read your post before you posted it? If it is not about egos, what is it about?
BTW, you may want to read again, some of the material you are referring to. If you still do not understand the difference between a musical instrument enclosures and a loudspeaker one.