New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

The problem with the GC balanced is that it ended up way way over-performing. Kinda embarrassing.

And then a couple of the first customers tried it as an AES/EBU 110 ohm balanced digital cable. They thought it excellent. For one, It equaled or exceeded their world class reference, the one considered around the globe to be the best..the, er, clear ’see through’ one. Against one half of a $650 pair.


New technology has a way of doing that.
taras22, good to know. Having said that, what’s the 2019 snapshot of the Teo Audio IC product line? I know the GC balanced is making a big splash now. And I see the GC Junior is still alive and kicking. What else is being offered now? Double double GC Juniors and Double double Ultras? Others?
Yes, "continuous stream of development" pretty well nails it. Ken and I are both unrepentant tinkerers who are always finding new ways to do things, and finding new materials to improve product. We have a literal mountain of cables that were part of some idea to move performance forward but kinda missed the mark ( read there is a very real tangible cost attached to development unlike some folks who just combine long time catalog items to produce product ).

The problem with that is we don't have a product list that stays constant. Its sort of like the restaurant that doesn't  have a set menu because the chef always wants to make the best meal with the best currently available ingredients. 

So while we don't have a cast in stone product list we will provide the very best product that we can produce at that time. And if a model has been superceded by a superior sounding cable at any given price point it gets dropped. 

Hope that helps understand where we are coming from.....sorry done in haste.
Teo Audio folks would admit their products reflect a continuous stream of ongoing development. I can’t keep up with their varied products. What’s listed on their website undoubtedly reflects some of those products. But then came GC, GC2, Ultra, Kronon and others, followed by the GC-JR and the double double series. And now their XLR balanced IC’s, which are surely a bargain, given their new 3-D printed connectors.

The point is that these guys don’t really answer to a Board of Directors or a Marketing Czar. Contact them and ask them what you want for IC’s, in terms of materials, connectors, length and implementation. They will undoubtedly try their best to give you an abbreviated matrix of prices for your objectives.
Toyo18 (and others): This is a forum thread, not a complaint center or even a manufacturer’s website forum. If you want specific info about Teo Audio cable prices, then straight communication is always best.

I own numerous Teo Audio products, including a variety and lengths of their IC products. I own one of their glorious The Liquid Pre passive line stages that implement their liquid metal fluid interconnects. All were obtained from their portal here on the market side of the Audiogon site.

I’ve communicated with both Teo_Audio and Taras22 in their forum threads, via private messenger (via the forum’s pm link under their user name) and via their website communication link. Both are responsive more often than not. And both care about selling their products to those who want them. It’s a 2-man operation, and yes, sometimes communications get lost in the weeds. And then there is the phone, which I’m sure works quite well but which I never really needed to try.

My point is that if one persists with polite attempts with communication, then one will be rewarded in kind. But I’m not sure if a lot of what has been said here fosters that objective.
toyo 18,
Wow, so this is how you choice to resolve this? Patience may have worked better. Just saying... 
The absence of price information has been an issue for some time now.  This is not the first time this has surfaced.  I have run into this myself.  

This consternation could be avoided by putting prices on the web page - or a pdf sheet that could be updated and accessed.

For some reason this is not being done.
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I didnt want to post this....but I contacted support and had them contact you also to see what was going on and never got a reply that way either.

( waving white flag ).... I asked you towards the end for a price of your your beginning cable and your middle of the road cable in two lengths, 1 meter and 1.5 meter.....which I never got a reply back.

So, if you can give me a price of I guess the beginning cable and the next one up from that and maybe one more if its not a huge increase in price or those in the sizes mentioned above.    All in RCA.      thanks....

I asked this question in the pm and will ask again...but do you have a demo cable one can try or no ?


I thought you might do that.
I did reply. Three times and more. But, you were confrontational, pressured, and demanding - right from the get go.

I said to myself, ’I don’t need this’, and let it sit for a few days.

I was going to reply to you again, today,and specifically not be apologetic in that reply, just even tempered.

You wanted me to give you all prices in all cables in all lengths, is what the indication was. A rundown and price scale on every product we make.Tell me all your prices, was your initial demand. 

I asked you to be more specific. At which point you said you’ve asked for prices twice now, and I’ve failed to respond. I said a phone call might work better, but in the meantime, what specifically are you looking for?


I gave you the names of each of the cables, separated into types/termination as well. 7 RCA types, two digital types and two speaker cables. "All in various lengths," I said. So which one, which area?, I again asked.

Then I was accused of being non responsive for a third time.

That’s when I gave up and walked away.

We can still try again, but even more in the wrong direction. It's a two way street.

I am in the market for some new IC’s and have been reading about Teo’s cables and went to the website looking for prices and found nothing.    I saw a pair on here for sale and sent teo a message asking why no prices on their site and could he give me prices of his cables.    I got a reply and he explained that the site was going to be updated soon, but he never gave me prices.      I asked 3-4 times for prices and could never get a response.....he asked me what length and I even asked for prices in each level the cables come in as well as 1 meter and 1.5 meter.    No reply.    
I have contacted audiogon letting them know that this member won’t reply and I think it’s very unprofessional.
he might have some great cables and would like to try them but his communication is not very good at all
Someone asked about ’balanced’ cables, and this is the reply I gave. I made a spelling mistake in my reply, tried to erase it and add it in again...and the audiogon system erased the question they asked as well! So I can’t reply....

I’d like to answer inquiries, of course. Since it was lost to the ether, I thought I’d put my reply here, instead. I’m sure some are interested in our potential issuance of balanced cables:

Hello, we don’t have any XLR versions of our RCA cables.

Our XLR versions are unique and unto themselves, just as the RCA versions are of their own type only.

We feel that our analysis of the fluid metal conductor technology shows that the properties of the fluid metal, are likely to be the one of the best conduits (’conduit’ applies literally in this case-first time for everything!) for effective balanced signal transfer that has yet to exist.

This conclusion is due to the nature of what a balanced signal is designed to do, what it’s reason for existence is. The assessment is that the fluid metal technology favours those desired aspects, likely more than any wire cable can.

We’ve been re-designing our balanced cables, which is why they’ve been absent from our line up for quite some time. Another issue to deal with is how the fluid metal requires a different XLR connector design and implementation than that of wire based conductor systems.

Both issues are being tackled, and are nearing completion. The conductor or ’balanced transmission line’ design aspects are completed, regarding initial products to be released, all that remains is the final bits of the XLR connector design to match them up with, which should be completed in the near future.

We complete a pre-burn (Conditioning) for each cable before it goes out, and then state that no burn in (no cable cookers!!) of any kind be done on our cables. 

Just listen to them and let it burn in naturally, via playing the cable in an audio system....
Just caught up on cable cryo treatment threads here in the Forum. Probably not a good idea to cryo-treat the Teo Audio liquid metal fluid conductors. Just a reminder about the novel materials in play with the Teo Audio conductors vs solid wire conductors and how they are being conditioned (the latter routinely being burned in with cable cookers or being cryo-treated in liquid N2). 
@taras 22

That is good to hear. I will reach out to you soon on the Ultra double double. Do you have pricing set on the Ultra double double yet? 

Hot here too. Almost every weekend it was upper 80's or warmer with high humidity. Too hot for golf a lot of the time. Hung out by some lakes and had a few cool ones while listening too live music....about my favorite combination! Also listened to my stereo system a lot which now sounds wonderful with the double run of the Ultra with the RCA splitter!
@ tuffy72561

The cable is available now ( we just haven’t put up an ad up yet ). As is an Ultra Plus version btw.

And the summer ? Madness, just madness! Lots of time on the bike, our canoe, and last but most certainly not least, the lawn tractor. And its been a bit of a heat wave here so being outside requires working around the noon day sun ( which we usually haven’t had to do, and that is a bit of a crimp ).

You ?
@taras 22

Sounds like I would be interested when the Ultra double double becomes available. Man does requiring only one  interconnect in my system  setup and having it as good as the 2 Ultras split togethet really make a big difference. Wow! Thanks Taras, I hope you are having a nice Summer up in Kingston.
@ tuffy72561

As good as the Ultra Plus ( yes a new cable, an upgraded Ultra ) was using the splitters, the Double Double Ultra just does everything better. Wish I could be more specific but it simply is better in every aspect...faster....cleaner...punchier .....etc etc etc...

What would be interesting is to do the comparison using a better splitter .To that end will be contacting Steve @ Audio Sensibility to get some of his splitters to see how much more performance a better quality splitter will bring to the double cable system.
@taras 22

   Can you compare the performance of the new Ultra double double vs the 2 Ultra's run in parallel with the Audioquest splitters that you've tested before and that I am now running in my system and still loving? 

Apology accepted and thank you for that and one offered for my part in that dust storm.

And posts deleted as well.
trust me i wont bother you anymore. sorry for bothering you today. for the record i deleted all of the posts that i made myself, aside from one.
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I do have good Experience with Ken and Tara’s 22 talking on the phone, they are very patient ..At axpona this year , Imet Taras22 plain and simple person...
Gawd, where is the army of eye-rolling emoji  marching past the grandstand saluting Gen Geoff when you need them !?
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Took the latest addition to the Double Double family, the Double Double Ultra out for a spin. 

Well oooo-weee-baby !....we thought the original Double Double was a wicked ride....but the new addition is much more seriously wicked....all the thrills and chills of the original but in a turbo-charged package. 

Lower noise floor, more slam, cleaner delineation of highs, huge sound stage.

Next on the agenda is a Double Double Kronon, which may prove to be even  better. Please note this one may take a while as the WBT plug we use on the Kronon presents a bit of a "plumbing" problem. 

But stay tuned, things are moving forward.
Testing is ongoing... have yet to hear a detrimental result with the Schroeder Method. I have done perhaps six systems and all have been uniformly impressive in terms of degree of change and quality of change. 

As for the @taras22 recommendation regarding that Statement SE OCC Silver RCA Splitter Cable by Audio Sensibility, they offer a sweet splitter called the Impact SE RCA Splitter Cable having a balanced arrangement of 4 Teflon-coated OCC copper conductors arranged in a Star Quad configuration and terminated with the same high quality plug and jacks as the above Statement product for nearly one-half the price (CA$69/ea).


It’s still a bit expensive for a set of 4 splitters when one adds up the costs.

As for customer responsiveness, though, I also give these guys top hat tips as well. They responded to my email query today (Saturday) in less than 10 minutes. (All splitters are subjected to a cryogenic treatment, like their other cables.)
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At that price for splitters, one is halfway to the cost of a Teo Double-Double IC at US$749.
You sure ? ....though you could well be right cause I’m not too good with numbers, especially when youse gots to translate from Metric to Imperial eh.
@taras22 nice share!  Kind of expensive, though. Even with the 12% discount, a set of 4 splitters would be CA$490. 
The following was suggested by a friend as a very very good splitter possibility.

Audio Sensibility, for those who aren’t aware, is another cable company, like Clarity, which makes great product, but doesn’t get enough much deserved respect/attention ( have used their power cords for years and can attest they punch well above their price point ). And like Chris and Melissa of Clarity, Steve, the man behind Audio Sensibility, is "great folks", really great.!/Statement...
What can I say, sounding mighty fine, and acquits itself well against the Reference Ne Plus Ultra.

Will be tweaking the concept some next week and we’ll see if we can push the performance further.
Sorry but the session scheduled for yesterday is gonna happen a bit later today. Will post with impressions hopefully later tonight, at worst tomorrow.