performance vs. resale

How much does the ease of resale factor into your decision to buy a product? Many times I'm tempted to buy a piece of very interesting or highly rated equipment from a very obscure brand, but then I hesitate, knowing I may have to "eat it" when it comes to resale...have any of you been burned badly trying to re sell rare equipment ?
I won't say that I've been burned badly re-selling rare gear. If you buy smart, and know that it is not a hot item, and are willing to wait and wear down the seller when you buy, you won't lose too much when you sell. However, you'll be on the other end then, the one being worn down by perspective buyers. Sometimes it has been worth the effort.......sometimes it hasn't. YMMV.

Even if it's obscure, if it has a proven track record and is highly rated (as you say) don't worry that you're the only audiophool who knows about it. It may not sell fast, but it will go. My Audion Sterling integrated took awhile, but some lucky audiophool is grooving right now. And Sterling is not one of those ubiquitous brands. So that's a no as far as the resale factor goes. Sound is always my main concern.
I'd NEVER buy anything I couldn't resell for close to what I paid for it within 30 days.
I tend to lean toward Pawlowski6132's sentiments, although I haven't always followed the advice.

Several times in my own enthusiasm I have overestimated the demand of a component only to later take a significant loss.

I try very hard to limit these experiences. The sonics are rarely worth the fiscal penalty.
Buying used keeps the ratio reasonable. I tend to buy and hold, so it's not a big issue to me, so my equipment is a mix of new and used.

To the extent that you're uncertain about a component you should lean toward buying used. It's not unusual for high-end components to lose 50% of their value once used, no matter how vaunted the marque.

I'm a bottom-feeder BUT I have found too many great pieces that are "unknown" and are harder to sell (once I've found something even better).

On the otherhand, I have been burnt so badly by cottage designers (like Tube Technologies) to deal with them in the future.
For me? The wonderful sonics are worth the fiscal penalty. If you buy used: $$ hardship usually won't be a problem.
I would not purchase equipment of that type if I couldn't audition it in my system first.

If that piece gives me the synergy that I wish to achieve, the price would matter little. The resale value would be a small concern simply because the gear is delivering the magic I was seeking.

I normally won't purchase a piece of gear unless I can get a track record on it on pricing, resale value and performance first. Even then it's a gamble. Who is to say it will perform well with your speakers, interconnect, speaker cables and other. Just do what's comfortable for you and don't have any regrets.
if you're thinking about resale when you're making the purchase, don't buy it. its like contemplating how the divorce will go, when getting married.
Jaybo; to use your analogy, when I'm buying equipment, I'm really just dating. I already know I'm not going to be married to it. I think most people here (which is what keeps this site going) buy and sell equipment as a hobby. I like to try lots of different stuff in my room/system and couldn't do it if I didn't take resale into consideration.
I too swap gear in and out somewhat frequently. It is a strategy to upgrade so resale factor is important to me. Look at it this way, if you purchase a three year old piece for $1k, keep it for six months to a year and sell it for $800 to $900, is it worth the $? It is to me. The bummer is when you pay the going price for an item and when you get ready to sell it you notice the price has dropped drastically. I stay away from really esoteric equipment, modded equipment or, dare I say, tube equipment, as I believe it's overpriced. Haven't been burned too badly yet.
This hobby is great with the advent of e-selling as I've been able to experience equipment that never would have made it into my system if local shopping was all that was available.
I'm not sure by what criteria Timrhu determines that tube gear is overpriced. Relative to what?

The market decides correct pricing. If a used tube amplifier "X" commonly sells for $"Y", then $"Y" is the correct price, and it's neither overpriced nor underpriced.

I am aware of some solid state gear that sits unsold for weeks and months because it's overpriced by the sellers. When one of these units is priced correctly, it sells very quickly.
I'm not sure by what criteria Timrhu determines that tube gear is overpriced. Relative to what?
Tvad, none of the three types of equipment would be overpriced according to your definition unless they exceeded market value. But they are all overpriced relative to my desire to own them. I don't look for esoteric equipment as it is usually expensive (not overpriced). Have no interest in equipment that's been modded. As for tubes, I have no interest in owning equipment that requires the level of attention that tube gear does. The tube thing is not based on sonics as I have stated in previous threads, the best sounding system I've ever heard was using Large Cary tube mono amps. I don't have any ill feelings towards those who swear by their esoteric, modded or tube gear, just not my interest.
I thought that statement was buried in my post but I should have realized someone would call me on it.
No intention to call you on it, Timrhu. Just was interested in an explanation of what you meant, and you answered it perfectly with your mention of price relative to your desire to own tube components.

01-06-08: Pawlowski6132 said:
"Jaybo; to use your analogy, when I'm buying equipment, I'm really just dating. I already know I'm not going to be married to it. I think most people here (which is what keeps this site going) buy and sell equipment as a hobby. I like to try lots of different stuff in my room/system and couldn't do it if I didn't take resale into consideration."

Speak for yourself. ;-)

I think there's a substantial constituency here a a'gon for the discussions and occasional purchase or sale. When I buy, I buy to hold for the long-term (usually several years to a couple of decades).

Oh, BTW, I've been married almost 40-years and my 5.0 Mustang had 16-years of daily driving on it when I let it go.

Perception of desirability as you might get from mag rave reviews and these audio chat sites means nothing. That is for sure.
You'll find out the real desirability when you try and sell it. I was interested in the LTD Mistral LE or whatever upgraded version. I thought this was a popular amp. Boy, was I wrong.
Got a "new" demo for about 40% off retail. Figured I could'nt go wrong with that price.
Didn't like it, natch, and was SHOCKED to find all I got was one offer for $300 less than I paid. The rest were even lower than that! Luckily my credit card's term allow for 30 day return so I returned it less a $100 restocking.
After years swapping & accumulating equipment, I found that I could modify so-called "Class A" stereo equipment to perform at a much higher level. This has returned me to the original DNA of the hobby in DIY, and has extended the life of all equipment currently in my system to the point that resale value is not a concern.