performance vs. resale

How much does the ease of resale factor into your decision to buy a product? Many times I'm tempted to buy a piece of very interesting or highly rated equipment from a very obscure brand, but then I hesitate, knowing I may have to "eat it" when it comes to resale...have any of you been burned badly trying to re sell rare equipment ?
No intention to call you on it, Timrhu. Just was interested in an explanation of what you meant, and you answered it perfectly with your mention of price relative to your desire to own tube components.

01-06-08: Pawlowski6132 said:
"Jaybo; to use your analogy, when I'm buying equipment, I'm really just dating. I already know I'm not going to be married to it. I think most people here (which is what keeps this site going) buy and sell equipment as a hobby. I like to try lots of different stuff in my room/system and couldn't do it if I didn't take resale into consideration."

Speak for yourself. ;-)

I think there's a substantial constituency here a a'gon for the discussions and occasional purchase or sale. When I buy, I buy to hold for the long-term (usually several years to a couple of decades).

Oh, BTW, I've been married almost 40-years and my 5.0 Mustang had 16-years of daily driving on it when I let it go.

Perception of desirability as you might get from mag rave reviews and these audio chat sites means nothing. That is for sure.
You'll find out the real desirability when you try and sell it. I was interested in the LTD Mistral LE or whatever upgraded version. I thought this was a popular amp. Boy, was I wrong.
Got a "new" demo for about 40% off retail. Figured I could'nt go wrong with that price.
Didn't like it, natch, and was SHOCKED to find all I got was one offer for $300 less than I paid. The rest were even lower than that! Luckily my credit card's term allow for 30 day return so I returned it less a $100 restocking.
After years swapping & accumulating equipment, I found that I could modify so-called "Class A" stereo equipment to perform at a much higher level. This has returned me to the original DNA of the hobby in DIY, and has extended the life of all equipment currently in my system to the point that resale value is not a concern.