Polk XRt12 XM Tuner

Has anyone hooked up the Polk XM Tuner to their system? How did it sound? Thanks.
They are practically giving these things away. At Polk's website you can buy one right now for $269 and they are having a promotion where, when you do buy one, you get a mail in certificate for a free Roady II portable XM receiver (like, for a car). Anyway, that might be a good enough deal for me to try it out. How much good sound can you expect for $269? Radio never sounds as good as CD anyway. You can always run it through even a used DAC and get decent sound. It is music selection I want out of XM.
It sounds lousy compared to FM/CD/LP, obviously dull, muffled and greatly compressed. Internally the parts are cheap SM components that are would not be out of place in a $29 Walkman type personal player.

I am looking into having a dedicated analog stage/power supply built into mine-there is PLENTY of empty space inside the chassis.
I have it setup in a full McIntosh system you can check out my system here. At first I had it going through a C40 and it was quit nice. Then I got the McIntosh MDA1000 DAC and I got a nice digital cable and in a lot of cases it is as good as a CD and in other cases it is not. Like on a Diana Krall CD or DVD it is just better than the XM but on older stuff it seems to shine through. I like it and I love XM I am waiting to see if McIntosh will build an XM Tuner If they do I will be getting one. Good luck

Yes I have. It's OK for backround listening, but falls far short of LPs or even CDs. I might purchase a used DAC to see if that helps. I didn't skimp on cables or power conditioning either!