Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
Unfortunately, the purpose of this thread has been moved toward non-sense comments. Expensive audio gears doesn’t mean better quality! The essential is to enjoy music on what we have, cheap, middle range price or expensive …

Some have older but good audio gears and knows how to set it up properly with special cables, so be it… Some JUST pretend (!?) to have expensive audio device in order to make their opinion more plausible, so be it …

On my second system, I have a B&W 804 with MCintosh MX135 and a Denon 100anniversary amp, I enjoy listening to music as I do with my Tannoy Canterburry SE + special tweeter, BAT 600se, Viva Linea XP, Mcintosh c2300. Using more appropriate cables on my modest second system made an enormous improvement on sound quality. The sound quality that I didn’t hear even on Audio shows with some >$80K systems.
Some audio manufacturers offering expensive devices/cables to make the statement that their products are the best that’s why it is so expensive. Some of them they went out of business and some are struggling with serious financial problems because of lack of sales. They change name of company with same product but cheaper price! They hire some cheap reviewers to present those products as the best in the market! And most dramatic is that some People without a brain follow every reviewer like groupies. That’s is why I don’t trust reviewers, expectation (with cautious) of some honest ones like Paul Bolin, Marc Mickelson, and some on theabsolutesound.

The bottom line is: One could feel to be musically more connected toward a Gold ac plug/outlet or Rhodium Ac plug/outlet, so be it!
Michelzay, amen!

Swampwalker, I am a reviewer, but it is still only my opinions in my reviews. You may find that you agree with me in your personal opinions when you get to hear whatever I review is.

Audiolabyrinth, you are a reviewer but without an outlet other than here.
Tbg said
I am a reviewer, but it is still only my opinions in my reviews.
Fair enough. Well said, Tbg.
@Michaelzay, I was wondering when you were going to chime in. Yes, you can achieve good system synergy at any budget level. Your main system is a good, well balanced system and would enable you to properly evaluate any changes such as a change in wpo. It's not a matter of having the most expensive system. This is not a pissing match about whose system is best! But I put it to Audiolabyrinth that plugging $45k retail worth of cables into a pair of vintage JBL's worth $695 today & a budget Chinese cd player is a/ lunacy and b/ would not allow him to accurately evaluate the differences between the Furutech GTX-D(R) and GTX-D(G).

I am not contesting the differences he claims he heard in his system (although Keith has solid form wildly exaggerating the facts, and in fact has been caught out posting disparaging remarks about the US Ayon Distributor and his Ayon CD-2s after he blew up his player by leaving it on during an electrical storm). I am simply suggesting he should not make generalisations about the difference between the GTX-D(R) and GTX-D(G) as his system is not capable of accurately conveying how close in performance these outlets are. It is not resolving enough nor neutral enough to do that. And if Keith thinks otherwise, so be it as you like to say.

As to your comment your modest second system beats out $80k+ systems at audio shows. So? Audio shows are notoriously problematic and tricky to achieve good sound for various reasons which should be obvious to anyone who regularly visits shows.

I don't understand your peculiar comment regarding unscrupulous manufacturers. Are you trying to suggest the majority of high end manufacturers struggle to make ends meet, shut down then re-open under new names, then pay off low level reviewers to write dishonest reviews?
I have never owned an Ayon cd-s2 cd-player that blew up in any electrical storm ever!, I had one of these units that blew up by way of unreliabilty within less than 90 days, the unit had infant tube failure which in turn blew out the power supply board, the dealer wanted to charge me $300.00 to fix it, the unit was under warranty, so I got a full refund for what I paid for the unit brand new from the dealer, this is the las time I need to tell you that, I have said this to you 20 times over the last year and a half, and as far as my system goes, it is one of the most musical transparent systems I ever listened to any where, my system is so transparent, I gurantee you, I can litterally move my cables around and hear a significant change in sound!, much less different outlets, and again for the last time, my speakers are NOT some $695.00 speakers!, I have alot of money tied up into these speakers, you need to stop tring to discredit me!, you are wrong with your claims, they do not exsist!