Running Two REL Subs off One Amp - Possible?

I'm thinking about using two REL subs to see how big an improvement they make over a single sub for two-channel music. I'm concerned that I can't wire both subs to my single amplifier, though. Anyone know if this can be done?

Side issue: I had a dealer (not REL dealer, though) tell me the best way to use stereo subs - in most cases - is to put them in opposite corners (ie front right and back left) of the room to even out the bass throughout the room. He also stated the only way to increase output over a single sub is to put the stereo subs on top of each other or side-by-side. Is this good/correct advice?

Aggielaw, Running the high level input to your speaker terminals is just a cleaner shortcut when connecting two subs.. Works great when you don't need to pick up both (+) positive terminals on your Amp.

I currently run my ACI Titan from my RLD-1's second set of outputs, but the REL subs are specifically designed to be run off the amplifier using the high-level connection rather than the low-level connection from a preamp.

I enjoy my system so much it's hard to bring myself to tinker with it, but of course I can hear some things that I know could be better, so the tinkering goes on...

An REL sub or two and the Ridge Street Sasons will round out my system for my lifetime, though. Well, until wire is reinvented or some format vastly superior to CD comes out. :)
I just recently added a second Rel Storm III to my Pass Labs X-350 Two channel amp. I put both the positive (+) leads from the high level connection (yellow & red) to my positive post on my speaker, then the single black negative (-) lead to the negative post. I did this for both channels (Speaker to Sub). It is cleaner looking than having all those wires running to your Amp.
I have Audio Physic Virgo II speakers. It is absolutely the best sound I have managed in my cavernous listing room. Positioning your subs is all about your room and your wife. I put my Rels right behind my Virgos, not as close to the corners as I should...(a man needs to know his limitations, wife factor not in the setup instructions from Rel). The Cherry finish of both Manufacturers match well... so I'm also a good boy!
Cheers, Greg
I use a REL and have been thinking of perhaps adding another, not so much for bass as for balance. I am using the Neutrik connector (I think this is called high-level connection?) in which the SW draws nothing but the faintest signal from the amp.

I would think doubling up the connections (ie the second sub) should be fine. But have not tried it.

Regarding position, this is one reason I have not gone to two subs yet. I am on a suspended wooden floor (basement below) and have noticed, when this down-firing sub is away from the walls it excites the floor more - simple physics, as there is more flex to the floor the farther you get from the anchor point, ie the wall). Of course, this would indicate that a corner would do best in that regard, but that excited too many room nodes, and I ended up with it a few inches from the left wall, and about 3 ft from the left speakerm, more or less in a plane with the speaker baffles.

Am concerned that bringing the sub too close to the speaker would cause some 'bounce' in the speaker (mine are not too heavy - only 60 lbs) and smear the sound from the mains.
Howard: I have the McCormack RLD-1 preamplifier also, just like you (with the DNA225 Power Amplifier, both of them recently upgraded to Platinum Edition by Steve McCormack) and I am also thinking on Dual Subwoofer. Why are you running your subwoofer from your amplifier instead of using the RCA at the back of the RLD-1 preamplifier ? is there any acoustic advantage plugging the subwoofer at the back of the amplifier instead of going from the preamplifier ? you could use the right chanel for one subwoofer, left channel for the other subwoofer. By the way, I am considering Dual SVSound PB12 Plus/+2 or a single PB12 Ultra + 2, what do you think is the best option ? My speakers are Ambience Superslim 1800se Ribbon speakers and the rest of my system includes Metronome Signature Transport and d.a.c., Acoustic Signature Final Tool Turntable, Magnum Dynalab MD100TR Analog Triode Tubes FM Tuner, with high-end power cords, interconnects and speaker cables. Looking forward your comments. Best, Antonio Machado.
If your amp has bi-wire outputs you could run the right sub from the right outputs, (connect the two positive and one negative) and the other from the left output. I don not believe that using the line level output is going to let you adjust the crossover for integration into your two channel setup. If you are using these only for HT, the processor would obviously set the crossover. I currenlty an only using one Rel but down the road would like to add another.
Thanks, Mark. I'm running separates - McCormack RLD-1 preamp and DNA-125 amp.

Now that I think about it, I believe I read in an online owner's manual that the recommended method for two subs and one amp is to use the line output on the first sub.

Howard, there are a few ways to run two subs off one amp.

For example, if you have a receiver, you can run a single interconnect from the sub-out on the receiver to a line-in on sub number one. Then you run a second single interconnect from the line-out on sub number one to the line-in on sub number two.

Another example. You can run a pair of interconnects from the pre-out on a pre-amp to the line-in on sub number one. Then run a second pair of interconnects from the line-out on sub number one to the line-in on sub number two.

The wiring also depends upon whether you run the left and right front speakers full range, or whether you are filtering ouput in the sub. But I won't get too complicated with all the combinations because I don't know what type of amp set up you're using, receiver, or preamp-power amp or even what the connections on the REL sub are.

I can't offer any opinion on the side issues you raised other than to say it was always my understanding that the subs shuld be separated, with each one close to each of the speakers.