SACD - Dying already?

I just read the industry blurb in this month's TAS which described how it seems the stream of SACDs from Sony has pretty much dried up. I was in the largest local independent record store in my area last week and actually bought a SACD because it was music not available on CD. The SACD/DVD-A section was a bit smaller than a year ago and I asked the manager about it. He laughed and said they only sell 2-3 a month combined and he doesn't order many anymore.

Except for audiophiles, is anyone buying these things? Or, are all hopes and dreams of SACD slowly fading away (for at least Sony)?

Showing 6 responses by robm321

DVD-A and SACD don't fit in anywhere. For audiophiles, they don't sound as good as vinyl, for normal people (non audiophiles);) they don't have enough selection and most people don't care if it is a little better than normal CD (like audiophiles do) and as Uncle John pointed out downloadable digital music is going to dominate the future because of ease and continued sound improvement.

You want proof. What year did DVD-A and SACD come out? (several years ago) Look on your local music retailer's shelves and see how big that section is. Usually a four foot by four foot section in a warehouse sized store full of CDs -- Insignificant. Do you really think they will dominate in 5 or ten years from now? If so, that's what they were saying 5 years ago. At this rate, they might have an isles worth of SACD DVD-A by the year 2020. But by then something else new and better will come out. You do the math.

Records have been around for over 100 years and are still being used by audiophiles. The sound quality of Vinyl has yet to be matched.

So, I'll ask again where does SACD or DVD-A fit in?
SACD sounding better than vynil -- wow a revelation -- everybody stop making turntables and tone arms something has trumped vynil! we've arrived at the perfect format. Convenient and better sounding than any other format. Sorry Desmond but you've lost credibility with me with that comment.

So no use arguing.
Yes, I've listened to a good SACD system and some SACDs are recorded badly some CDs are recorded badly and some vinyl is recorded badly. What was the point of comparing a well recorded SACD to a badly recorded LP? Where were you going with that?

To my ears SACD does sound better than CD - it is very impressive. But Sony isn't gonna make its numbers selling SACDs to audiophiles -- and non-audiophiles don't care about small sound improvements (they won't notice it oh their systems anyway - so IMHO (ok maybe not so humble) SACD is dying.

I hope I'm wrong. I am tired of cleaning my records. But at this rate by 2020 maybe SACD will line the shelves of record stores... or will it be DVD-A or a newly invented product?????
If that is tha root cauze of everythingg evil -- does that makee spel checker our saviorrr.???

Actually Vynil is the next step for Sony after Blue ray fails - it will be there next big thing.

I guess I got my y and i mixed up.