SACD - Dying already?

I just read the industry blurb in this month's TAS which described how it seems the stream of SACDs from Sony has pretty much dried up. I was in the largest local independent record store in my area last week and actually bought a SACD because it was music not available on CD. The SACD/DVD-A section was a bit smaller than a year ago and I asked the manager about it. He laughed and said they only sell 2-3 a month combined and he doesn't order many anymore.

Except for audiophiles, is anyone buying these things? Or, are all hopes and dreams of SACD slowly fading away (for at least Sony)?
SACD and DVDA have obvious potential for sonic superiority over CD which, unfortunately is not always realized when discs are mastered. But this sonic improvement, vs a well made CD, will not be obvious unless the playback system is good, if not "high end".

The feature that SACD and DVD offer which is obvious to everyone is multichannel. No only is multichannel given little attention by the press, but it is also subject to a great deal of negative talk by audiophiles who think that their stereo systems are the ultimate. Well, let me tell you that we old guys thought that our monophonic systems were the greatest, and there was a lot of stupid resistance to stereo when it was new. Sure there are some ridiculously mastered multichannel disks. But there are also many good ones.

The future of SACD and DVDA depends on multichannel. There is one big market, autos, where surround speakers, the big stumbling block, already are standard equipment. That's good. If you want SACD to survive don't trash multichannel even if you personally intend to stick with stereo.
I compltely agree with an earlier for mass market adoption of all formats the decisive factor is one of convenience in terms of flexibility, portability, maintenance and storage. Redbook did not "win" over LPs due to sound quality and outside of the high end, SS amps dominate tubes. SACD is destined to be a niche product but I am not complaining (well not loudly that is)...just need to manage our own expectations of title availability etc.

By the same token I do agree that hard disk based systems are next area where we will see the most growth in adoption. Its in its infancy and there needs to be a lot of development. But in terms of what it offers in terms of the values that the mass market wants, it is definitely a major step from all others. For the audiphile then, I think at least for my own purposes, I am happy with my Meitner gear for redbook & SACD while I wait for much more development of hard disk based players and related technologies to develop. The writing, I think, is on the wall.
Robm321...Vynil??? I guess you mean Vinyl, aka LPs.
Kings claim to rule by divine right (until deposed). I support the republic of DVDA, the people's choice.

Actually Vynil is the next step for Sony after Blue ray fails - it will be there next big thing.

I guess I got my y and i mixed up.