SACD - Dying already?

I just read the industry blurb in this month's TAS which described how it seems the stream of SACDs from Sony has pretty much dried up. I was in the largest local independent record store in my area last week and actually bought a SACD because it was music not available on CD. The SACD/DVD-A section was a bit smaller than a year ago and I asked the manager about it. He laughed and said they only sell 2-3 a month combined and he doesn't order many anymore.

Except for audiophiles, is anyone buying these things? Or, are all hopes and dreams of SACD slowly fading away (for at least Sony)?

Showing 2 responses by viggen

For me, hi-rez format never lived. I never bought into it because none of my fave bands are available on them. This is coming from someone who definitely think redbook software is the weakest link in my system. Redbook technology itself is not that bad. I can still be totally enthralled by a well recorded redbook software and especially if its on HDCD.

I've always thought of myself as more of a gear lover than a music lover. This discussion made me realize I am more of a music lover relative to a gear lover. If I was a gear lover, I would have jumped on the hi rez format despite it not having any content in my opinion. But then I realize that I actually welcome the challenge in trying to build a redbook friendly system. So, maybe I am more of a gear head after all.