solid state gear- leave on?

Is it good idea to leave solid state power amps on during the day if they don't make much heat?
Maybe a more honest answer is that neither the heat from leaving it on all the time nor the effects of cycling it on and off are likely to have a significant effect on the longevity of SS gear. As to its impact on sound quality, speculate away.

To Tireguy: You confuse cycles and trends (and ignore the bulk of inconvenient evidence). But your attitude doesn't surprise me.
If nothing else I got something out of this thread.
I had no idea it was best to leave your gear on 24/7.
on 24/7...even more important with digital stuff from what I have heard.

lol tireguy!
Barring Global warming and "gassy cows" It is great to leave SS on all the time. I leave my Cd player and did leave my SS amp 24/7 and they do sound better. I can't believe that something that simple makes a difference, but it does. I use tubes now so that idea is out, but the CD player stays on just the same.
I couldn't disagree more with Pabelson turning the component on and off will wear it out faster then by leaving it on due to the hot/cold cycles I mentioned(as did Raquel).

It is true that the earths temperture is rising at a faster rate in the last 10 years than ever before which is concering. Apparently we are almost as hot as the 1500's. Obviously there were no cars or internal combustion then. Apparently the cows were very, very gassy back then.
The gear that runs the hottest is the gear that benefits the most from leaving it powered up. Less temperature swing equals greater circuit stability with improved sonics being the result. Sean
Sure, I leave it on if the electricity and repair service is free. They work will as backup heater for the cold winter.
Turn it off. They do make some heat, and heat is ultimately the enemy of longevity. Tubes take a long time to settle in, so keeping them on makes some sense; for SS, just turn it on a few minutes before you start listening.

Also, daytime is generally peak electricity demand, so you are contributing in your own small way to both global warming and our dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Some things are more important than audio.
Once i turn mine on i leave it on all day. however; i always shut it down when i go to bed or at night when we are done listening.

Generally speaking, it's not heat per se that hurts components, but rather the hot/cold cycles that occur when they are turned on and off. Everything expands or contracts in response to heat or cold, and the repeated expansion/contraction that occurs when components are turned on and off wears down components over time.

Thus, not only do components sound better when left on 24/7, they are much less likely to break (it's counterintuitive, but true).
I would like to "third" the recommendation to leave your solid state gear on all the time. Two of my components are by Simaudio and that is their recommendation for all their products. A Sim dealer once told me that my I-5 integrated would need 300 hours (!) on to reach its best performance and some audiophile friends have reported improving sound well beyond the 100 hour mark.

Depends a lot on the design of the amp. With some I would do it, but no way I would leave older klass A monsters on all the time. The power bill would simply be a killer..
Even non klass A amps that dont get that warm can draw a lot of power in iddle mode. So my advice would be to check how much they use - and judge if you think its worth it..
Its a very good idea to leave them on, from my experience after 8+ hours of being on SS amps start sounding there best. Let's face it not many can plan there listening session's 8 hours in advance. Compound that by the potential damage from cold/hot cycles and it only makes sense to leave them on.