Still pondering Paradigms

The selection of speakers to audition is limited in my area. However, with a budget of $1,600.00, I can't afford the majority of the really good higher-end speakers out there. There is a Paradigm dealer here, and I must say, that I was impressed with the Studio 40's. At least I think I was!!

My dilemma is that I need to replace my ML Sequel II's (wife says there too big) and I've been very happy with their sound. I don't want to give up too much of what the ML's offer - clear, transparent upper and mid-range frequency. At the same time, I would like to find something with some good tight lower end. All this must be accomplished with $1,600.00 and fit into a very small room (12 x 14).

I thought I actually heard some darn good low end coming from the Paradigm Studio 40's (surprising for a bookshelf). And, they were very quick and didn't appear to sound harsh in the uppers. Can this be?

Would this speaker actually be a reasonable replacement for the Sequel II's?? Keep in mind; I wouldn't be getting rid of the Sequels if my wife weren’t making me shrink my sound room (for a kids room).

Okay, here's the bottom line: Is Paradigm the real deal? Are the 40's as good as what I've been reading? Can I find something better for the money? Are there any happy and satisfied Paradigm Studio 40 owners out there? Any persons out there familiar with the ML Sequel II’s and the performance of the Paradigms??

Note: My buddy, who's a B&W dealer, (I can't afford the 704's) says the Paradigms pretty much suck in comparison to the ML Sequel II's (I bought the ML's from him). But, that's not what my ears are telling me.

Showing 5 responses by upstateaudio

How about trying the Totem Rainmaker? They are only $900 (additional money for good standsor premium veneers). That is well within your budget. The amount of bass these speakers puts out is absolutely amazing. Especially for their size. My dealer sells primarily Maggies and Totems. I was told the totems have a high WAF due to their size and good looks.

I have currently have Paradigm Studio 60v2s in a 11 x12 room (french door on one side, door on other) and I will probably eventually change them. I was originally thinking of the Totem Hawks, but the Rainmakers may suit may needs and are actually less.
Email them or call them at Also you may want to contact them for a recommendation for your room size and musical tastes. The Hawks are above your budget at~$2400. The Staff is also an option but IMHO does not sound as good as the Hawks.

I have been amazed at how much bass can emanate from their small boxes.
The staff is softer in approach and is meant to be used with less expensive amplification such as receivers or entry level separates.
2chnnlben, I'm sorry I can't help you with your latest comparison. I have not heard the 2 head to head. Bear in mind though that Totems take a while to break in. IMHO, Paradigms don't sound too bad right out of the box.

What I suggest you do is to take your amp to the dealer and audition the Staff with it (if the dealer will allow it), if you are happy with the sound why not take it? It would certainly be money in your pocket.

Good luck and let us know your final decision.
The totems on the whole are a more refined speaker than the paradigms. They are more expensive though. The cabinets and the internal wiring are higher quality. The Paradigm Studio version 2 series no longer have an option of wood veneer cabinets if that matters to you and your wife.

Don't get me wrong, I can live with the sound of the Paradigms, they are musical and they certainly are less fussy about amplification than mostspeakers. To me the Studio line is "the low end of the high end." Since you are driving ML speakers you must have pretty good amplification.

Totem only uses wood veneer on their speakers and uses better crossovers. Their website is To my ears, they have an extra level of refinement to them. The website should be able to direct you to a dealer. If you don't have one nearby, I have heard that Galen Carol in TX will ship demos out to mail order clients if there is no dealer in your area.