The best separates between $2500-3000. Moving on from the original Rogue Sphinx Intg..

I have decided  NOT to upgrade the original  Rogue Sphinx integrated amp to its new version.  Therefore, I would humbly ask for recommendations for  the best separates in the $2500-3000 range. I would prefer the same brand pre-amp and power amp, but will consider mixed brands.

My requirements are basic: at least 150-175 RMS; a simple "quality" remote with a mute switch and smoothly calibrated volume control.  Pre-amp Out ( optional) feature;.  A good headphone stage;  A good to VG phono stage, BUT  CAN forego in favor of a good  phono box.. .

I DON'T WANT OR NEED:  an onboard DAC for streaming audio files  ; processor loops, or subwoofer inputs and outputs HT inputs and outputs;  class D amp

Because of the plethora of new pre-amps with the features I don't want, I might consider older "quality" pre-amps without the bells and whistles. However, I AM NOT interested in  so called   "upgraded" vintage  or refurbished" crap from 20-30 years ago. I recently got burned on a refurbished and marginally upgraded turntable. My mistake.  Thank you for your advice 


   Have you considered the Parasound A21 power amp?
250wpc/8 ohms and 400w/4 ohms. There's a lot of love for them and I've seen them come up for sale used.
I used a Rowland Capri. Original version. Stratos has more power very similar sound  I did not like the Parasound but many do 
Audio by Van Alstine (avahifi) could be an option for new components.  The Vision SL preamp with phono and remote is 1499.00 and the Synergy 300 amp is 150W per channel for another 1499.00 and it is rated down to 2 ohm load.  No fancy casework but might be worth checking out.

jl35   Thank you again for your recommendations   I believe you mentioned the Rowland Capri before; it which looks stunning but how does it sound??. The Odyssey Stratos is a viable alternative to the Khartago, but it is heavy and big, and I have a bad back.

I have seen a used ARC 150.2  amp on ebay which is 150RMS. It looks clean but  was, according to the seller was issued in 1993 which means it is 23 years old.  It got mixed reviews, some loved it;  some claim it is garbage. Seller  wants $1400, but that is too much. I believe its  market value may be $950 regardless of it ARC pedigree.  It is either a tube or hybrid amp, and the seller claimed he upgraded two tubes.  I don't think he will back off much from his selling price

To rhljazz   I am also am considering  AVA,.  I saw in the new issue of TAS, that Frank issued a new preamp, the Transcendence 8 ( retail is $899.  However,  his website is confusing because of  all the options you can add,   The pre-amp and power amp you mentioned, I saw and I will check out again because I thought  that the phono stage and remote were extras which can add  $600 to the final ticket.

In addition,  despite AVA's reputation and service, they offer no discount. And I would like to stay under 3K.  I could consider the SL Vision pre-amp with  either the Khartago, or  Stratos, or even the ARC, if I could buy it for say $950. The Stratos Plus is $1500. and Khartago Plus is $1375. However, I misstated before it was 130RMS, but it is only 110RMS.  I want to find a combo that is a significant step up in sound quality from the Rogue Sphinx v.1 integrated   BTW, I never heard any one on this blog make comment about the sound quality of  AVA phono stages whether  MM or MM/MC. The Rogue phono stage is a very good.   Thanks guys. Jim