tube amp for veena loudspeakers

i am planning a new stereo system which currently is a follows:\

meitner bidat(with volume control, theta transport

sonic frontiers power 2
supra sword speaker cable
3a Veena loudspeakers (to be purchased).

My question: i am thinking of upgrading the power amp to the bat vk75se. Are there others i should consider in this quality and cost range?
Also any cable interconnect suggestions.

Thank you.
The Audio Valves are a great choice if you like jazz clasical, and vocals but not heavy metal. I think BAT's are a lot harder sounding AMP and in my opinion not as open nor as transparent. I have several pairs

Have a look at the range of amplifiers from Valve Audio -

Each amplifier is assembled by the founder/owner of the company by hand! See Music Direct for sales in USA.