What city do you live in?

Just curious because I thought it might be cool to actually meet some of you in person and check out your sound systems. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people here who I'd imagine have incredible sound systems. I'm new to this and am going to my first audio show in Denver but I'd bet that some of you have better sound in your own homes. Also, is there a way to private message someone? Thanks in advance!
Lol, routing number would be nice too! I wondered if it might be inappropriate. I'll start though; I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and if anyone wants to hear my modest, but nice sounding system, they are more than welcome to hang out, have a beer and burger and a listen! Or maybe I could start a facebook account and accumulate thousands of friends I've never actually met ;-)
"07-03-10: Tpreaves
I am 53 years old,I am a Rocket Scientist,I make $237,458.00 a year,my home cost $375,862.00,my stereo cost $22,868.00,I have 3271 LPs,986 CDs,437 SACDs,I drive a 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe,I have a 1972 Corvette,I have a 1976 Jeep CJ-7,I have a 1957 Harley Davidson Duo-Glide,I wear boxerbriefs,I eat mainly a vegetarian diet,I do not smoke,drink or partake in illegal drugs,I am divorced,I have one child,I do not have a criminal record,I was not molested as a child.Need to know anything else?" uhhh.... Your address, ssn and routing number too please?
"the city with no name" Paraniod bunch aren't we?
Me too.
I don't need any visitors while i am out who borrow most of my stuff.
Nor strangers inviting themselves in.

That is what dealers and shows are for.
I think there are Who R U and Where R U threads that cover this ground as well, you might check them out. Elizabeth, you should add local audio clubs to the list, as those are a good way to meet others sharing our affliction.

Me, I'm not paranoid, I'm in Glen Ridge, NJ. The salt water crocs and pythons I keep roaming around my house as pets are effective deterrents to unwanted guests.
Portland Oregon, neither knowledgable nor posessing an incredible sound system. Maybe that's why I'm posting.

You can no longer PM on Audiogon unless someone has posted an ad. On Audio Asylum you can send an e-mail by clicking on a users name.
RcPrince, thanks for making me smile!

77 Jovian, are you going to the upcoming show in Denver?

Mofimadness, lol, Narnia, nice one brutha!!

Elizabeth, I understand where you are coming from, too bad though as you seem to be quite knowledgeable and I bet your system sounds great and may even sound better in my home ;-)

Anyways, happy Friday to everyone on Audiogon!
I'm in Raleigh now. Used to be in Madison WI, Minneapolis, Columbia SC, Albany NY, NYC. Jumped from town to town finding myself jobs, contracts, making descent living, but with struggle.

Having no property giving me a mobile possibility to load rental truck with my stuff and get movin to the place that has a job for me and I tend to keep it this way. The mind set of being flexible and always having plan B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P... will always prevent me from getting settled anywhere and having property as my personal complex. It was also beneficial to my recent divorce that was easy and uncontested:) So technically I'm a bum but with ability to support myself economically.

Having lived in Raleigh-Durham, I realize that this area would be very friendly to Mr&Mrs LeaveMeAlone (just like Liz) but not to me. I'm an alien in these Towns of Social Deficit. Couldn't even find anyone to celebrate my favorite US holiday April 20th(A birthday of Mary Johanna)! Despite that, there are positive things as well such as nice landscapes, woods, interesting landmarks, nice working environment and constant demographic development that could change things within a period of time.

There's Moon Audio dealer in Cary that is very friendly and gives equipment for home tests with no obligation to purchase. I still didn't take advantage of his hospitality to borrow the new Grace M903 balanced DAC/preamp/headphone amp, but as soon as I borrow one, I'll probably post a review.

My sound system is nice and powerful with fancy analogue playback but overall is cheap. Have close to 2000 vinyls, few hundreds of CDs, but most of the digital collection is on hard drive. I maintain it completely DIY so is my 1999 Volvo wagon had never seen a professional shop thanks to Matthew's Volvo Site. Doing DIY audio, automobile, boat and home cooking saves me lots of money and gives me an ability to have nice european vehicle, boat and sound system.

After all I'm social, hostpitality oriented, 420 friendly, able to trhow nice cook-out party with nice BBQ, steak, burger at the back yard... Welcome anybody who wishes to get in touch. Too bad that Agon disabled their internal communication system between members. They suck more and more day by day and anything new they implement is only getting worse and worse.
Acton, CA. On a dirt road between Rattlesnake Gulch & Deadmans Ridge. Where a lightening storm in the Mojave Desert will give us brown &/or blackout. Not a stoplight in town, 4 bars, 2 mexican restaraunts (2 of the bars are there) a truckstop, a Jack-In-The-Crack, a CrapDonnalds and cupla' gas stations. Lots of horses & dirt bikes. If anyone else has a Krell system in town it would be a surprise. And yes, all of the above is true. Great place to live, raise a kid & crank the piss out of the stereo. Oh yeah, and not a lot of paranoia either.
I agree with joining your local or reasonably close audio group. I belonged to the Philadelphia area group, and heard many good systems.
I live on Whidbey Island, Wa. I have not met another audio nutter in over forty years of living here. Been wondering if, and when, that day will come. Sharing this hobby is great, I have friends in Portland I share visits with, about once a year (they're expected soon). It can be lonely on an island!

I am rather confident that you really don't want to meet any of these people. I have meet some of "them" and quit regret having done so.
Burlington, Vermont here - and since when did A'goners turn into a bunch of unhelpful assholes? It's one thing to not want to answer the question - but those of you who go out of your way to be unfriendly are wearing your personalities on your sleeves...and it ain't pretty. ;)
Marakanatz, Mary J. Is available to anyone here in CO who has "chronic pain" and a doctors note stating such, we have the Rockies, great skiing / mountain biking / hiking etc, and lots of quality folks down to hang out and BBQ! Why aren't you here yet?!?

Mechans, thanks for the advice! I'll definitely check into that.

Jsd, I've actually partied there years ago. 300 other kids and I, 10,000 watts full blast for 10 hours, and no cops... ahhh, the good ole days.
Tpreaves, if you're that hot brunette that lives down the street from me, then definately not. I was just looking for my lost cat, in the bushes, and up in that tree, and I was only using binoculars because I can't see very well at night.
@ B_limo: What kind of insurance do you have on your Panhead? Smith, Colt, Beretta, HK, Ingram, Desert Eagle or Glock? Caliber(s)? The Duo-Glide didn't come out until '58. Yours must be REALLY special! From the ghetto of IndiaNO-PLACE, IN
Hey, Neil (Lneilb)! Looks like you already tried, years ago, something similar to what I was trying to accomplish here. Too bad you didn't have much luck. It was, and still is a good idea. It's funny, maybe actually sad, that many people will not put out the required effort, time and planning in order to get together and share common passions. I can see that there are alot of quality people here.
@Rodman, you got confused! That was a cut and paste from Tpreaves, and I think it was b.s. No rocket scientist would drive, let alone own such crappy vehicles.
10-05-12: B_limo
Tpreaves, if you're that hot brunette that lives down the street from me, then definately not. I was just looking for my lost cat, in the bushes, and up in that tree, and I was only using binoculars because I can't see very well at night.
B_limo (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I like this guy, he could compete with my audio group for sick humor. Next time you travel this way come by and listen with us.

We are in DFW area, where earthquakes come but once a century and we just had ours.
Asheville, NC. Moderate system but a passion for good music. Believe in the law of diminishing returns concerning equipment costs. Am 64 and will probably work 10 more years due to divorce and ocassionally making a difference. Remarried to an age appropriate trophy wife who loves to listen to music. Love a good Napa cab. Season tickets to the Asheville symphony. Music now on a PC with a Halide DAC. Vinyl sounds great but complicated.
Everybody has a story.
Yakima, WA here, I just got back from a live performance with Chick Corea and Gary Burton and my stereo system sounds way better. LOL just kidding. They were playing at The Seasons, it is an old church with incredible acoustics and their performance was great.
@ B_limo: I never have seen the post from TP. It seems quite a large number of individuals highly desire classics, such as an original '58 Pan. That's why they command such high prices, here and especially abroad. Happy listening & fortune in your search for friends.
Ok, so maybe the Harley, the jeep and the vette are cool, but that tahoe sucks, unless of course it has 26" inch spinny wheels!

Hey Albert, nice system! You seem to add alot to this site. I liked your "favorite music" thread. I'm going to get some Chris Whitley, and check out Trixie too! That guy is freaking amazing! I definately need to widen my music library and tastes. If I'm ever in the DFW area, I'll definitely try to get with you :-)
B_limo, I did try. And might have pulled it off had I not been forced to shelve the hobby for 2 years while working around the clock. I'm going to try again, but the gas money could kill you!

Vegasears, that's not a sufficient hint. Need more to work with. ;)
Guantanamo , they make us listen to early digital at high volume...seems to work better than water boarding!
Rochester New York, home of the Garbage Plate, The Analog Shop, Kodak, Xerox, Bausch & Laumb and an awesome film archive.
like 77jovian but here. But I am a rock science project. I have a boxer. But I don't wear boxers pita!!! I live here because it makes my system sound perfect. It is funny what thin air can do for a system. And my ears feel lighter here at this altitude and so can go on listening for hours.
"What city do you live in?"
Hey wadda you? A cop? Shut uppa you face!

Isn't that Lake Michigan? 8^)
I'd be glad to settle in CO, but found nothing to do for me there available while in Raleigh I'm full time with ben-s.
Love to do 420, but that's secondary.

If you do come to the RMAF stop by our room Number 1030. We do manage to get some pretty good show reports. Plus a lot of gear for sale on the cheap.

Say hi when you stop in.

Jim Riddell