what is the best Holly Cole CD?

what is the best sounding Holly Cole CD/LP?
Don't Smoke In Bed and Temptation are both terrific, both musically and sonically. The vinyl 45rpm included w/Romantically Helpless is demo quality, but the LP material is much weaker. Cheers,
I agree with the greatest hits recommendation, it is a fine way to start. The Canadian cds do sound a bit better.

Try Linda Eder too, another fine female vocalist.
I prefer Dark Dear Heart over the others, great album! Sonics are fine as well.
I'd say Temptation hands down.
The ironic thing is she got slammed by the mainstream Jazz press for doing it. I seem to remember there was a nice interview with her in Stereophile about it a year or so ago.
Her latest self titled album is pretty good as well and may be her best jazz album. I have all of her albums on CD, and they are all pretty good. Temptation is awesome on vinyl. Tom Waits is a genius song writer. Funny enough, I heard a few of his songs first on Temptation and then I heard them on his albums, and I could not identify them when Waits was singing. This is how different the arrangements are on the Temptation album.

Temptation, but I'm a big Tom Waits fan so I love the material. She does a great job with it.
First you want the Canadian cd's, I just picked up her greatest hits which I feel is a great way to decide.
I haven't compared them all but I can recommend her latest "Holly Cole" on Koch Records. Great sound and music.
Oh, I can't wait until Marty jumps into this one. Can you say meatball right down the middle of the plate?