What to look for in purchasing CD-R's for recordin

I have never burned a CD before and when looking at what is available in stores in regards to blank recordable CD's, I am at a loss to what is considered "better". Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by rwwear

Taiyo Yuden makes the best and are what most professionals prefer. They may be a little harder to find but can be obtained online easily enough. Look at shop4tech.com.
They are half the price of Sweetwater here: http://www.shop4tech.com/user.htm
Contrary to popular belief, burning high speed discs at slow speed can cause errors. But, it seldom happens. It is hard to find slow speed discs but HHB has them. I use them with my HHB stand alone because HHB warns against using high speed CDRs in their recorder. I use Taiyo Yuden 48X in all of my computers.