How can we settle for digital?

My friend, a recording engineer, once made a remark when I told him I had spent $3000 on a CD player. He said "How far can you polish a turd?" Those I know in the music business all agree that digital can only go so far. Vinyl is certainly making a comeback, but the advent of new digital formats seems to perpetuate new hope on the part of audiophiles. Do you buy it? Or are you sticking with your records? Or will you stand up for your $3000+ CDP? Is it just polishing a turd?
Is your friend named Karl by any chance. If ao, He hates digital! Don't get him started on DVD A!
09-07-08: Honest1 Even at 1.2 plays / week for 50 years (your numbers), that's a lot of listening to the same record. But if you enjoy it, that's cool. Peace.

Don't underestimate how much Bill likes Abba's "dancing queen" :-)

Seriously though, I have a couple of LP's that I use as a reference. I listen to them at least 4 to 5 times a week, and when adjusting cart alignment, VTA, VTF, Azimuth I will normally play the same track 10 to 15 during setup. I have 5 turntables, and I do some adjustment on all my tables at least once a month. Some tracks on some of my LP's exceed 3000 plays ... easy.

I have heard much speculation about record wear. I personally have not noticed it. I have records that I have played thousands of times since the 70's and they still sound fantastic.