Looking for info on headphones

Hello all

I'm curiously interested in getting a pair of headphones.

The problem is I only know where they are supposed to rest wile in action and that's about it...

My aim is not to replace any speakers... just for a change of pace... now and then.

Neither do I want to make a large investment, just sufficient to realize very good sonics.

Is this all possible for say $200 or so?

Lastly... does the aspect of high or low impedance matter?

I'll probably just plug them into a receiver unless there are some which have other than quarter inch jacks as interfaces.

Thanks very much...
You can find headphones for $200, but based on my observations of your other audio goals in other posts you would not be happy with them for anything except the privacy they can provide.

At a minimum you need not only good phones but a seperate amp as well. I used to listen to some electrostatic headphones (STAX) and they were simply amazing, unbelievable clarity and absence of distortion unlike anything I've ever heard from speakers. But, in the long run I like the soundstaging effects of properly set up speakers. The in-the-head effect becomes more distractive than anything else. They are a great tool for diagnostic and analytical purposes though. You will hear everything going on in the recordings and your equipment. FWIW.
For ipod or computers and stuff with lousy amplfiers (most integrateds) then I find the Sennheiser HD25 Pro works great (low impedance and great dynamics + the cup cuts out external noise so great for hearing detail with only some slight artifacts from the cup). The other medium priced headphones I really like are the classic AKG 240S (the S version has low impedance and more bass than teh orginal 600 Ohm classics that you see in all the videos of musicians in studios - the classics are great but need a headphone amp to sound there best).
I was the first person to bring Stax into the US to the best of my knowledge, I showed them to the person who became the original importer. This was in the late 60s and I have used them ever since. If I were to listen to headphones exclusively or a majority of the time I would have nothing else. But to use as you describe the Sennheiser 600's are fine. I have a pair of them also and could live with them as a full time source. They will very likely sound better than your speakers.
My AKG 701's blew away my sennheisers and grados. You can find them used in the $250 range???
Headphones are even more individual than speakers. Each has a quality all their own. Mating them with a dedicated headphone amp is almost a necessity. I use Senn HD600 phones. I have a dedicated tube amp from ASL. I have played them through the Creek 5350SE and it is very good. I have played them through the phone jack of my CD players, and an Onkyo receiver. It was terrible. Some headphones sound better with tube amps. For now I would recommend the Sennheiser HD600 but by all means do more research on head-fi before you buy. It is also a good place to buy used phones and amps. Once you hear good headphones, you will want an amp. Good luck!