Looking for info on headphones

Hello all

I'm curiously interested in getting a pair of headphones.

The problem is I only know where they are supposed to rest wile in action and that's about it...

My aim is not to replace any speakers... just for a change of pace... now and then.

Neither do I want to make a large investment, just sufficient to realize very good sonics.

Is this all possible for say $200 or so?

Lastly... does the aspect of high or low impedance matter?

I'll probably just plug them into a receiver unless there are some which have other than quarter inch jacks as interfaces.

Thanks very much...
I was the first person to bring Stax into the US to the best of my knowledge, I showed them to the person who became the original importer. This was in the late 60s and I have used them ever since. If I were to listen to headphones exclusively or a majority of the time I would have nothing else. But to use as you describe the Sennheiser 600's are fine. I have a pair of them also and could live with them as a full time source. They will very likely sound better than your speakers.
My AKG 701's blew away my sennheisers and grados. You can find them used in the $250 range???
Headphones are even more individual than speakers. Each has a quality all their own. Mating them with a dedicated headphone amp is almost a necessity. I use Senn HD600 phones. I have a dedicated tube amp from ASL. I have played them through the Creek 5350SE and it is very good. I have played them through the phone jack of my CD players, and an Onkyo receiver. It was terrible. Some headphones sound better with tube amps. For now I would recommend the Sennheiser HD600 but by all means do more research on head-fi before you buy. It is also a good place to buy used phones and amps. Once you hear good headphones, you will want an amp. Good luck!
Am I the only one that thinks buying used headphones is creepy? I understand you can replace the pads, but still...
Cruz123 - Nah, not any creepier than kissing girls I really didn't know all that well.