Output tube radiation exposure - thoughts?

Anyone out there give much thought to vacuum tube radiation exposure, especially the larger transmitting styles? I'm not sure what distances constitute a potential hazard and taking into account the effectiveness of standard tube cages if present. I recall it was considered a serious topic by some but not all of the ship's radio operators I sailed with in the past. Your impressions / experiences pls.
Doesn't seem like a concern at all, to me, in the context of an audio system.

The key distinction with respect to the situations you mention about shipboard equipment being that in the audio application the frequencies involved don't radiate through the air (at least to any degree that is remotely significant, considering the power levels that are involved), while of course radio frequencies do.

-- Al
I use tube gear and am unable to have children, so yes, I would say that there is a definite correlation.
Yup, A1marg is correct.

Audio equipment does not operate at UHF (Ultra High Frequencies) or related energies. No sweat man - only if you listen to "COSMIC OPERA" with a freq range of 2250 kHz to 10 gHz on a 100, 000 watt system with your head up against the transmitter dish - yikes!!
09-20-09: Viridian
I use tube gear and am unable to have children, so yes, I would say that there is a definite correlation.

Viridian, LMAO! Wait a minute.....that may explain why my children each have 12 fingers.......
When I listen to my tube amps I usually go into the next room to avoid those issues.