Room for discussion?

I might move the stereo to a new room. Are these good dimensions, sonically?

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Has it been determined with some reasonable amount of certainty that risers improve Stillpoint performance within The Summit context? I ask for information.

My Gamma Summit setup had all SPs resting on Granite.

I'm now using Dale's Pingoras, fwiw.
>Can you put the speakers on the 155" wall? 125" is a little narrow for my blood.

With barely 10' you can't get enough space between speakers + front wall and listener + back wall to avoid unnatural low frequency boosts while still having enough distance (sayu 6-7') for the driers to integrate.
This is a great question. My room is almost the same dimensions.

Right now I have the speakers on the long wall. The speakers are six feet apart from the center of the tweeters and my ear is around 7.5 feet from each speaker. The rear of the speakers are 28" from the front wall. Very little toe in. I'm sitting against the rear wall. My ears are about 8" from the rear wall.

I still feel I'm sitting to close to the speakers this way. I was thinking of trying the speakers on the short wall. But then i'm not sure the room is wide enough that way.
Thanks for the responses so far.


Current room: 20 ft 10 in x 15 ½ ft x 9 ft (ceiling height)
Possible room: 17 ½ x ~13 x 8 ½ to 9 feet (I think that’s right for the ceiling height).

Something to remember: the new room would NOT have Gladys sitting between the speakers.
Bill Hoover,
I must amend my response: I am neurotic. It would drive me crazy not knowing what the new room may yield in terms of performance gains. If you tend not to be so crazily compelled, note...

Your current perf resulted in a scintillatingly positive review, particularly noting the mind-blowing imaging. Since the primary Gladys question is imaging compromise, it would probably be easier to at least initially temporarily remove her and note the effect.

Mentally scanning the proposed transferral experiment: not only will equipment movement be involved, but you will really have to exhaust all speaker position possibilities
(assuming 155" wall only) and definitely preferably some room treatments before a determination can be made. At ~250 lbs a Summit side, the work total work and time required may significantly exceed that which is necessary to temporarily excise Gladys.

155" = 13'. This vs 20'. Very significant distance to sidewall difference. 6' vs 2.5, assuming 8' separation. You will almost certainly have to room treat to absorb that first sidewall reflection. Even if successfully effected, this may not yield the expansive soundstage to which you are accustom.

Room volume: 2930 vs 2160, app. Substantial difference.
I doubt you'll achieve the bass energy development and overall scale of performance in the small vs the large, current room.

If the Summits had trouble driving big room, there would be no question about moving, but we know that certainly is not the case.

In summation:
1) If it's driving you nutz, move.
2) If it's driving you quasi-nutz -- Gladys removal experiment.
3) None of the above -- leave it alone.

It is possible Gladys has a positive effect on what sounds like superb extant bass performance.
(Open to correction on all of this guys).