lessloss blackbody

I have a couple of lessloss power cords and they are pretty good, but what is this blackbody, has anyone tried it. I love tweaks but even to me this seems a little crazy, what are your thoughts
Rainer, fantastic looking showroom!, can you describe the dedicated PC you are using?
Dear all,

thank you for the nice response concerning my showroom.

Regarding the PC:
I run xxhighend (www.xxhighend.nl) as a software memory player. The PC is a tweaked laptop with 1TB harddrive and no other services but music. All USB, WIFI and Ethernet is shut down. I will design a proper power supply soon for this(linear regulation no switching anymore)

I have 4 Steinmusic H2 (two variant A and two variant B) in the showroom. I think the Lessloss BB is better in optimazing the "tone colours" or "secondary harmonics" whereas the H2 are phenomenal in improving the soundstage.

In general both improve a lot and I would not like to remove one item. The steinmusic effect is adjustable by a pot. Be careful: Too much is too much and the sound is a little artificial then.
The Lessloss performance increases and increases when you add another BB. Until now I have not seen the limit of BB units where you say whne adding another one it is not an improvement or even worse it is too much of the BB.

I hope this helps.

Best regards

I have not tried less loss's blackbody, But I have owned
their DAC2004 for about 4 years now & also some of their
(Huge) shielded XLR Cables & they are fantastic. I dont
believe They would offer something to the marketplace if
It did not yield great results.
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