High End Validation

Nice story (to me anyway)…

Had a pizza delivered today before the Lakers game. Latino guy in his late twenties. He’s been working at the pizza store for several years.

The stereo was playing. A solo acoustic piano piece on Paradise Radio.com.

“Nice music”, he smiled.

“Thanks”, I said also smiling.

“Is that a real piano…or the radio...?”, he asked.

“It’s the stereo”, I told him. Validation, I thought to myself.

“I like Beethoven”, he grinned.

The sun was setting on a beautiful Southern California evening.
I took it to mean “satisfaction” or “gratification,” the kind that results from another person’s recognition of your success at something to which you have devoted considerable time and effort.
Bryoncunningham (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)
Yes. You understand it.

Yet, prior to the comment about the piano being made, I was still striving to attain the goal. The comment by the delivery person made me recognize that in some measure, the goal had been already been achieved.

Sometimes we need a metaphorical smack up side our head to wake us up to reality.
Yikes. I really needed to edit the post above. Sorry for the confusing syntax.
I say take a pat on the back when you can.
Ohlala (Reviews | Threads | Answers)
Ohlala, I imagine many of us can take a pat on the back. Sometimes it takes a fresh set of ears to help us realize our achievement.
What a great thread Tvad. The occasional nice comment is refreshing. My in-laws and kids think I'm nuts.
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