New way of dealing with Low Ballers?

Just saw a new tactic for dealing with offers including unwelcome terms in an ad: "Please make an offer only if you agree to my terms, otherwise I will give you negative feedback."

Does the feedback system allow for this? Should it?
As regards geographical limits, I live in the UK and if I see a restriction to North America, politely say that I note their sale restriction, but would they consider selling to the UK. I have always had a reply and usually an agreement to sell.

The restriction sellers want, often is to Eastern Europe or West Africa, but the Gon does'nt allow for specifically restricting certain countries.
"Here's a radical concept - ignore them."

OR deal with it however you chose. Just keep it to yourself and the low baller please.
Tell them you have a better offer locally, or tell them you'll let them know by tuesday..... 2035
Sometimes lowballers are resellers. Just ignore them and be patient until you find a more serious person.
Elizabeth, what does ROFLMAO mean?

"Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off."

I believe that Elizabeth was signaling that she -- unlike Jaxwired and perhaps others in group -- found her own comment very amusing.

I didn't mean to start another "lowball" thread (tho I often find them entertaining); I was mostly curious about whether once could get negative feedback for making an offer that a sensitive seller (henceforth "noballer," per Sebrof) finds inappropriate.

