Interesting Ads

This guy seems to have some very interesting stories - traveled with the Dead, goes all over the world... Impressive.
Personally I'd run like heck from this guy in fear of him slapping a surcharge on his asking price for the privilege of dealing with him.
jmcgrogan: "jon voight's car"=post of the week. my kudos. anyway, mr. travels-with-the-dead does have a long, legit (positive) sales record, so i maintain he's earned the right to be as weird as he chhoses in his ads, and i wish him well on his journey.
"I actually stopped selling on Audiogon because I got so tired of some of the people giving me their whole life story."
Too funny.
I read this guys story in his Revel ad and figured it was the start of an explination to any buyer why the gear wouldn't ship for three or four months and why communication would be little to none. I don't need a story from buyers and I certainly don't need a story from sellers but this time I took it as a welcome warning.
I'm only a uneducated ex-Chicago "street punk" who grew up in the schoolyard playing ball and drinking beer... and could see through people when I was 12 hanging on the corner with Dwight D. Eisenhower.