Looking for an amp for my Proac 1.5's.


I've recently purchased a pair of Proac 1.5's. Great speakers. Currently running an older ADCOM GFA 555 200 w/ch.

Looking to upgrade amp and preamp and looking for suggestions.

Also, a buddy has an old Threshold s150 Class A amp for sale - would that be a good fit?
Ag insider logo xs@2xphil0618
This was years ago but if proac speakers signature hasnt changed then it might be worth 2cents.I heard small proacs few years ago,not sure what model but with tubed audio research pre and pair of rowland model ones bridged.Sounded pretty good to these ears.
proac usa recommends the tubed arc preamps (ls-16, ls-25), w/a solid-state arc 100.2 amp... a cheap amp fix would be to send your adcom to stan warren, whose mods are supposed to turn these into killer amps. but, definitely get a tubed preamp, even if not an arc... :>)

doug s.

I'd like to second the CJ 11a recommendation. All of the CJ/ProAc combos I've heard have always made me pause, and never fail to make me smile. There's a nice synergy in the musical sound of both the amp and the speakers that I find extremely appealing. Its a worthwhile combo to take a listen to if you have the chance.

I have the Response 2.5's and started out driving them with an Adcom 555 and found it to be a very poor combination. To me, the sound overall was very thin and anemic, with a dry, unappealing midrange and a weak bottom end. Perhaps modifying the Adcom as Sedond suggests will do the trick, but as is you're definitely not doing the speakers justice. I know that you'll be shocked at the difference a better amp will make with those speakers.


You should look for a Audio Research tube amplifier for your Pro-ac's. I have a pair of 2's and a pair of 1SC's, I use a Audio Research Classic 60 and D-70 mkll and they really work well together. I also have a Assemblage ST-300 B SET but it is a little short on power ( 9 watts ) Try tubes its the way to go.
I wanted to thank everyone for responding.

As luck would have it, I have been able to borrow some great gear... An old Threshold FET2 pre amp, an ARC LS16 and an ARC VT100 Mk II.

So far the all ARC combo wins, but the price... YIKES. The old Threshold preamp with the tubed ARC amp also sounds wonderful. However, I'm having problems when using either of the borrowed preamps with the ADCOM GFA 555. They just don't seem to do it for me...

Most of those who replied suggested tubes would be a winner and I'd have to say you were right. They have proven to be an interesting combo with the Proac's.

Later today I'm going to borrow an old Threshold S-150 all class A amp and I'm looking forward to seeing how that integrates with things. Particularly with the Threshold Pre amp since I loved the detail of the Threshold but with the Adcom amp it was just too overwhelming at the high end.

I hate to sound like a TAS or Stereophile reviewer, but the truth is that when I got the Tube amp in the picture I just sort of sat and smiled and listened and never wanted to leave the room. And frankly that's what's all about...

Thanks again to all those who responded.
