A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?

I have the audiophile disease. I just can not be satisfied. By upgrading from my Bryston 4B ST to a Pass labs X250 really worth the bother? My equipment is as follows Audio Research Reference 1 Pre-amp, Proac Response 3.8 Speakers Classe CDP.3 Player. My wife just does not get the thrill of this hobby. I need to find the true answer, What will the difference be besides in my wallet?
I don't know, but if you buy it let me know how it works out. I have those speakers and that amp or the x350 is on my short list.
Just my 2 cents of advice, you have what seens to be an excellent system, I dont't think the Pass will make that much of an improvement. I would put the money on the best CD player you can buy. Or better still, buy records, get a glass of single malt scotch whisky and enjoy! :-)!!!
I wouldn't think the Pass would be worth a divorce (close though). It would be worth a few nights on the sofa perhaps.........? Cheers? Craig