A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?

I have the audiophile disease. I just can not be satisfied. By upgrading from my Bryston 4B ST to a Pass labs X250 really worth the bother? My equipment is as follows Audio Research Reference 1 Pre-amp, Proac Response 3.8 Speakers Classe CDP.3 Player. My wife just does not get the thrill of this hobby. I need to find the true answer, What will the difference be besides in my wallet?
I don't know, but if you buy it let me know how it works out. I have those speakers and that amp or the x350 is on my short list.
Just my 2 cents of advice, you have what seens to be an excellent system, I dont't think the Pass will make that much of an improvement. I would put the money on the best CD player you can buy. Or better still, buy records, get a glass of single malt scotch whisky and enjoy! :-)!!!
I wouldn't think the Pass would be worth a divorce (close though). It would be worth a few nights on the sofa perhaps.........? Cheers? Craig
I believe that if you get the X 250 you will be surprised that you wife will probably actually like the looks of it. The Pass sounds very different from the Bryston. Just one persons opinion and not an unbiased one since I am a Pass dealer but the X 250 will bring a delicacy and finesse into your system that the Bryston just does not have.

But please let me add that as wonderful as this hobby can be - - I would never trade my wife for my system. And I have a spectacular system but a better wife!

I believe that we too often forget that audio is just a hobby. Granted a glorious one when it is good to us and a harlot to out senses when it decides to frustrate us at every turn. But in the final anaylsis it is just suppose to be a fun experience that sometimes will surprise us by helping elevate us into a spiritual experience but no more.
Kevyo, I agree with what Goldorak said above. You have a great system as is, and changing the amp to Pass X250 will not make that much improvement, unless of course, your real objective is to upgrade your wife, and you are using the amp as an excuse for instigating a divorce...:-) :-) :-)!!!!