Berning ZH270 + AP Virgos = magic?

Anyone out there have an opinion about this combo?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjoe_stereo
As far as the audio signal is concern, there is nothing between the tube and the speaker terminal.
That is what makes it so unique :)

So yes, debating whether it's the terminology or the actuality that makes it an OTL, or not, will never cease, that is of course until the patent runs out and others can copy it.
I have never heard the combo in question, but am quite confident that it would be a good match. I own a 270, and have personally run a variety of different speakers ranging from Magnepans 1.6qr, and 3.6 to Dunlavy scIV/A's. I have also heard it drive a pair of full range Sound Labs. Not once did it seem underpowered or slow. In fact, quite the opposite. The ZH270 running the Magnepan 3.6 was quite a stunning combination. The Virgos From what I have heard are capable of very good detail and dynamics. This being the case the Berning might just be a match made in heaven.

Best of Luck,
Kris Kosiba
dear foilks

where is the best store to buy Bering ZH270? I owned Virgos.
and I am looking for good tube amp.

Hello Timchen,

I highly recommend Allan at I purchased my Berning through him and he is very knowledgeable, as well as being a first rate person. E-mail him, he will answer any and all questions you may have.

Best of luck,
